
When you treat your kid as an extension of your brand your baby isn't black or white, it's GREEN.

Whats going on is devastating and very important, but *maybe* the VMAs isnt the best platform to expect any other kind of reaction...

Deep #thoughts and #prayers for the #MIKEBROWN family at the #VMAs #SoSurreal

I thought the Emmy's was today and I got SO disappointed. who has an award show on a monday? then I saw the VMAs and I went like... imma let you finish, but the emmy's are superior.

Protecting the kids from her is way more important than showing concern. Mariah's been batshit crazy for a decade or more.

I could buy that Mariah is crazy. It fits with most of the interviews I have seen her give. Nick is still a jack ass, but I can understand getting out of a toxic relationship. Nick's dad.... Ugh.

I started watching preparing to hate-watch and I ended up loving it.

How will this affect hipster migration patterns? Will fewer midwestern 20-somethings be heading to Brooklyn? Will they hit Iowa first? Or will Iowa be a stop-over after New York, before the herd heads for California as these populations have done since the dawn of time?

I feel bad for her husband. Poor guy risked his life to defend his country, finds out his wife was cheating on him and pregnant with someone's else kid. Hopefully he finds real happiness someday with someone who won't cheat on him.

I really don't think that posting a photo of her with her husband in his dress blues, is really appropriate when her alleged killer is also in the military. It's going to unfairly link this poor man, who has already lost his wife and what might have been their baby, with the killer.

I'm from Boston, even in my worst moments I haven't yet that kind of racist dribble. I doubt that in "fear" we randomly blurt our most hateful racist commentary.

Nope, she seems like your average 'driving home from the country club after a few drinks' racist to me. They're all too common in the south.

Exactly! What if he was wearing a "Muslim prayer rug" (aka Adidas soccer jersey)?!

"Unfortunate?" Oh honey. No, no, no, no.

I don't think we'll ever hear from her again. We haven't heard from Crazy Apple Store Lady and we haven't heard from the 2 Beach Burglars. Maybe after watching this video she will die of embarrassment though, fingers crossed.

some christians refuse to accept that though, and refer to the muslim god as a false god, even though they're the same. Muslims reject there is more than one, so if a religion is monotheistic, it'd have to be the same god. Oddly enough though, one of the 10 commandments in the old testament is don't worship other

She's also really irrationally obsessed with his mother and who she had sex with. Is that a racist thing? Do racists fixate on the personal lives of people's moms now?

I totally get your point but just a quick FYI: Muslims believe in the same God as Christians. Muslims even believe Jesus was a prophet. Islam (along with other religions like the Ba'hai faith) is in the Judeo-Christian tradition. This woman is not a Christian, she's just a bitch. As a white woman, I'm sorry so many

Honestly, I couldn't even watch the damn video after everything else this week. I'm just done, and I'm not even black or American. Soul-crushing is the phrase for it, and I'm so sorry that you and so many others are experiencing this garbage.

i wonder if she can see Mecca from her kitchen window ????