
Hey, we’re all atheists. It’s just that I believe in one less god than you do.

And it’s typical, because of our own natural biases and desire for comfort, to settle on one who we think fits, who tells us what we want to hear. (Instead of maybe the harsher personality or someone unlike us who has a better plan, more experience and a better track record.)

And all the $$$ along the way.

Bifurcated stream? Pfft. Try a trifurcated stream. Or a quadfurcated stream. Sometimes it’s like the gd Fountains at Bellagio.

Also remember that there are no USB-A ports on many new Macbooks, so buy an appropriate adapter if you need that connectivity.

Falconry is very underrated

You’re exactly right about that. The idea is to WORK via your lawyer, not FIGHT via your lawyer. Best advice I got: If you argue over material possessions, you’ll both end up broke.

It’s also important to realize that lawyers LOVE to argue, nitpick and keep the meter running at $300 per hour or more. There’s a point where that’s just counterproductive. Your attorney works for you — you have every right to say, “Hey, stop. Let’s get this done.”

Just make sure your liability insurance is paid, because if your amateur ass ruins anything I own or hurts anyone in my family, the forthcoming litigation will make you wish you were never born.

Despite these must-haves, it’s worth preparing for the very real possibility that your carry-on will be gate-checked and destined for the cargo hold and baggage claim. (Twice I’ve been burned where the gate-checked carry-on didn’t actually make it to my destination, but my checked bag did.) And really, is standing

Suddenly someone is there at the turnstyle,

I’m not sure it’s quite this simple. Here’s why: Back in the day, mechanical hard drives were many orders of magnitude slower than RAM, such that the bottleneck in moving data around was always the hard drive. Remember the old guidance of having enough RAM to accommodate the machine’s OS, the running application sizes

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Letting simple household chores pile up often does it: A growing stack of dirty dishes, a pile of laundry that needs to be washed, having less than a quarter tank of gas, running out of staples like soap, TP, coffee, basic food necessities, etc. The combined effect of all these little nagging things can be

I guess if you’re the type of person who went all in on Fox’s COVID remedies (like ingesting bleach, taking ivermectin and soaking in borax baths), this makes all the sense in the world.