Finally, some tangentially car related news that’s actually good!
Finally, some tangentially car related news that’s actually good!
Guy brings in a Diesel Audi that he put Gasoline in and doesn’t tell the tech (Maybe he didn’t realize he did that?). When the tech pumps out a fuel sample into a glass jar he drops it on a hot terminal and it catches on fire. The dealership doesn’t sound like it is taking any responsibility for the fire, even…
Man, I miss this show. I think this is about the only show whose untimely cancellation actually makes me sad. And yeah, the music was consistently great and has been well worth listening to out of context.
It looks like an ugly Camry. And the Camry is already ass ugly.
“The ‘spindle’ Lexus grille is back, but this time it’s more flower petal than full-on predator”
Did Covid-19 cause a shutdown before the Engineers could start on the interior? C’mon Toyota!
All good advice.
Please dont talk about car prices in terms of monthly payment, people already make terrible financial decisions based on monthly payments without perpetuating the mindset.
You can get your monthly payment down under $400 on just about anything if you stretch the terms out, and jack up the interest rate/get screwed…
Still got the spindle grill?
I’m convinced that most major corporations are just a house of cards — nothing more than accounting tricks to keep their heads barely above water while the executives enrich themselves. Tap one little card at the bottom and everything comes crashing down, except for executive salaries of course. Gotta take care of…
To me, it seems pretty fucked up that all of these large corporations run into difficulty so soon after a negative economic event(I claim rights to that term) that their existence becomes untenable.
Who says you could not test drive it and see it in real ?
I think Tesla was allowed 1 store and that was it in CO. This will definitely help expand EV sales.
And before people start hand-wringing about all the car dealers who stand to lose their jobs, maybe consider this:
It still boggles my mind that I can’t just go to a manufacturer’s car configurator, spec out a car the way I want it, and then order one to be delivered to my door. The dealership model is absolutely insane and serves the interests of no-one but a bunch of predatory middle-men. Car shopping absolutely sucks, and…
Hey now, that’s pretty unfair! KTM have upped the reliability factor by adding an engine from...
That is another great point. The sales I would love to blame on the transmission, but honestly it’s the price for a less-useful M2. It’s less powerful, has less seats, and if you are at all technically inclined to pop the hood and look around you’ll notice all the BMW crap and not feel good about it on a Toyota,…
I wonder If that low number is due to Dealer RAPE...sorry I meant Mark up..
It’s still all BMW including the 4 cylinder.