
American Sniper made me angry on so many levels, but mostly because it was cheesy as hell. Even the stunt babies looked fake. Was the "obviously added because the narrative had no tension" parkour enthusiast, sexy hipster jihadist sniper story line necessary? Not really.

nerdy fun fact: there's a manga out that stars Jesus and Buddha as two young dudes, hanging around modern Japan, looking kind of like hipsters on study abroad.

I had a whole spiel about redlining and it's impact on returning Black GIs (especially in the Bronx, Boston, and in Chicago), the fact that at different points "white" excluded the Irish (miscegenation laws did not apply if the woman was Irish), Jews, Slavs, and Italians. Basically, the north was de facto pretty

I watched the trailer and still have no idea what the hell this movie is about. Will Matt and Ian eat pudding together later? Is that where this is going?

If it makes you feel better, everyone is lying to you about the miracle of birth. It is gross and traumatic for all involved.

my eyeeeeesssssssss

Real talk for a second: we have the most sophisticated, most indiscriminate spying apparatus in the WORLD, and we just got punked by a country that a) outsources all it's hacking and b) is technologically still living in 1961. We couldn't pick up any of that? Way to inspire confidence in your digi-spying, NSA.

That word doesn't mean what you think it means Mr. Cheney.

She shows up in my dreams and we go shopping for mini-skirts and flannels.

It's the internet. One of the downsides of freedom/anonymity is that assholes are free too.

It was a Jake Fogelnest/XMU pick. I have no idea where that song came from, but it made me want to do a couples skate a roller rink.

*Would you like this lovely blanket? It is only marginally infected with a horrible disease, but it's made of 100% virgin wool and it gets so drafty in this huge, empty country of yours!

I have a friend that makes me pick three songs a year, every year. I freak out usually spas out and just send her the three songs that are on non-stop rotation on my playlist and a couple more because my husband never responds to her email:

I wish there were more famous people of which I could say: "That incredibly talented/funny/wealthy person is not a douche. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy!" Instead I find myself wondering about the relationship between pathological personality issues and success.

What if joker had a greasy Man-Bun? You know, to show that he's a hip, modern super villain, comfortable in his masculinity.

<golf claps="">

Speaking as a lady - garters are the worst. And who wants a super hero costume that will smell like ass butt and takes about 20 minutes to buckle yourself in and out of? At least you can hose off rubber.

I go back and forth on this. Before I got married, having kids was a thing that could not be negotiated. Now? Aside from the occasional periods of total annoyance/jealousy at one of my friends who is "cleansing" for four months to create the perfect environment for a fertilized ovum, I'm sorta over it. Babies are

I guess for me it's the whole: you probably had tons more stories of inappropriate, boundary pushing awkward precocity, Lena Dunham. AND YOU WENT WITH THAT???!

I worked all weekend. I really need to sleep.