The Nevada State Athletic commission disagrees with you. They announced today that Conor was facing punishment for his sucker punch of a cornerman who wasn’t even looking at him (and holding khabib’s hat in his hand).
Carbon cap good, carbon tax bad. DUCY?
Conor is a jerk who sucker punched Khabib’s corner last night. He deserved way more of a beating, first and foremost for his cowardly tap when the choke wasn’t even in.
Those guys were defending the cornerman Conor sucker punched.
Conor couldn’t press charges, his sucker punch of their cornerman is what triggered the teammates to assault him.
Watch full tape, Khabib’s guys only jumped in Octagon after Conor sucker punched one of the teams cornermen and continues asaulting him.
You don’t get to assault people who aren’t even looking at you cause you don’t know their intentions. Conor isn’t an american cop.
The full video shows Khabib’s teammates jumping in the Octagon to defend the teams cornerman Conor suckerpunched and was assaulting. Conor should never be allowed in an Octogon again.
What last nights take didn’t show you is that Conor started that fight by sucker punching Khabib’s cornerman. Conor absolutely deserved it.
You can’t ban Khabib without banning Conor, not only was Conor’s sucker punch of Khabib’s teammate last night as egregious as Khabib’s attempted assault of Dylan Danis, but Conor already attempted crimunal assault against Khabib earlier this year.
Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams!
Conor got another pass last night, he sucker punched Khabibs corner man to instigate the brawl in the Octagon, then the NSAC gives McGregor his paycheck after a cursory 5 minute review of the tapes.
Lets not forget McGregors unprovoked attack on Khabibs corner last night led to the brawl.
Conor shouldn’t have instigated the brawl in the Octagon last night. His sucker punch of Khabib’s cornerman should have got him arrested.
Pseudoscience is the most amusing science. Many medical studies aren’t reproducible.
LOL, no.
“and steroids disproportionately boosts torso and arm size.”
I’d wanted to believe your pseudoscience, but then you brought in HGH, a known placebo.
why would providing placebos help find a new batman?