Randy Hill

They have to pay the $800 either way. They were trying to save paying $1600 or whatever it would have taken to get someone to volunteer.

Doesn’t matter whether the pilot tells airport security to do it, they can throw you off the plane at any point and for almost any reason.

Cable and Telephone companies historically make money, unlike the airlines.

They should have done 1) raise the offer. Apparently some passengers offered to give up seats for $1600, but United would rather just use kick people off and pay the mandated $800, because United is terrible at PR.

First double the price of Amtrak tickets. Because that’s their actual cost of operation. Then you have a baseline to compare them with other options.

Airlines are historically bad businesses with low profits, especially since deregulation. You need to show some evidence isn’t competitive. And it’s very competitive, given anyone can start an airline and start offering $25 flights ala Ryan Air.

Air travel costs have lowered over time historically, it’s one of the reasons airlines are historically so unprofitable. Every new generation of airliners is cheaper to operate (and safer!), meaning the industry is in a constant war to upgrade equipment, requiring all their profits eventually be recycled into buying

Term limits because your party sucks. And I don’t care which party you support, they all suck.

I agree we need to change corruption and election laws, but corporations are treated as “people” because you don’t lose your constitutional rights just because you join a group, be it a church, a party, or a corporation.

I love the idea of riding trains, but hate the idea of paying tons of taxes to subsidize them. Trains cost a ton of money to build tracks, require huge amounts of land, and can only go from A to B. Planes require almost no land, and can go from anywhere to anywhere. Planes are faster even with TSA over around 200

Yes, because dramatically cutting the cost of air travel “screwed” consumers. Go back to smoking cigars in first class, you elitist twat.

When did an artificially limited cell service provider market by government fiat become libertarianism?

LOL, airlines are the least profitable business in the history of man. In total they are net money losers over the industry’s history. Warren Buffett said if he could go back to Kittyhawk to witness the Wright Brothers first flight he’d do capitalism a favor and shoot them down.

Normally i agree with your sentiment, but this douche held up an entire flight because of his own self importance. I’m also tired of the “i’m a doctor so my time is more valuable than yours BS”.

To be fair, the people making those comments probably took a few too many concussions themselves.

Ironic timing for your criticism, given the pile of young talent he’s assembled all while getting payroll down in advance of the best free agency years. A year ago would have been much better timing.

He should tone it down to waiting tables.

You are beyond help, ‘’tis true.

If you are trying to use worse relievers to “get to” Melancon, you ain’t using him right.

Is the MVP award a statue? If so, watching Harden play defense makes me think it was made for him.