Any particular recommendations?
Any particular recommendations?
The first part of your message reads like a Samaritan plant…
Reese's jokes have always been a bit lame. I love it.
Congratulations on joining the POI crowd! Also, love your username.
I loved when Reese delivered a cheesy one-liner, with sunglasses on and everything, in the pilot.
"Cheesy line with some urgency to lighten the mood" sounds like something someone might've said during the "If-Then-Else" simulations.
What was the deal with that? Someone on Tumblr said that Root, by smashing the egg, was disobeying the Machine's orders (to do what? sell the egg for money?).
I like your explanations/fanwanking.
It was either going to be Samaritan or Root — the previous ep did a good job of setting up the latter possibility, I think.
I just imagined how much Shaw would have appreciated all this food and made myself sad.
"Shotgun." Epic eyeroll by Harold.
He was also a good guy on Person of Interest for one episode…
In other words, Laurel 2.0.
I thought "This. Fucking. Show." was exclusively a Person of Interest thing.
Oh my god you… you changed your avatar
Are you serious bro?
wolf in sheep's clothing FORESHADOWING
Who/what are you even responding to.
It was dumb that Maggie didn't tell anyone before it came out during the meeting, but it did seem to help give Maggie a moment of clarity when she saw the confrontation between Sasha and Gabriel (who is still annoying).
He can't die; he's the last Asian man in America.