…….interesting choice for username…….
…….interesting choice for username…….
I enjoy the dissonance b/w your avatar and your username, sir/madame.
Oh my god I don't know how many more seasons of this I can take. #completionistproblems
Which co-starred Officer Dawn.
Commas, man.
Detective Jack Forge!!!
And wasn't he just on Louie?
I think my favorite one they did was actually in Season 1, Episode 2, where Reese beat up those two guys in the elevator.
I'm confident they'll never go there. They're Mayhem Twins, not Lannister Twins!
Ugh, the science dialogue on that show is painful. And I have been a humanities student through and through.
I think the answer to your question is "yes." It's just something we're gonna have to accept in TV. Writers have a limited number of hours to churn out a script, and sometimes they have to cut corners. They're not gonna worry about pissing off thousands of people when millions of others aren't going to care.
Man, I wish you would've said "Reese-Hersh school."
I am a layman when it comes to Euler, but didn't we find out that Harold *was* being false?
Yeah, it was derivative, but I thought the fake detective guy was relatively endearing, and the whole episode was pretty funny. Plus we got new info on Samaritan. The only bit I thought was pretty unnecessary was the Elias-Dominic posturing beneath the bridge. I mean, what did either of those guys get from that…
Next season: The Walking Dead directed by Tsai Ming-Liang
Do you know where Corey Stoll's mustache is, because I miss it.
Fanboyla? Sounds dangerous!
Wow, thanks for the detailed explanation! I am pretty atheistic now (despite having gone to a Catholic school) so all of this just kinda flies over my head.
I had no idea. Guess I don't pay much attention to religion… but thanks for the explanation!