J.T. Dawgzone

You were only 99.9% sure. Doesn't count.

Oh my god I just laughed so hard. I love JLB and I think he would've loved this show :)

Lame and predictable ending for Collier, but the rest of the episode blew me away. This show is the best at dismantling the status quo every single season.

Yes, that's who I was thinking of!

THANK YOU, I saw this, too.

This show (and GoT) should just be called Fucked-Up People Having Conversations.

I definitely wasn't paying attention during that conversation. Thanks!

That.. is not a place I would've thought would have garam masala ice cream.

Are you referring to the theory that alleges he is the High Septon? Because I love me some batshit insane ASOIAF theories.

Chill out.

You just made me really want to play Minesweeper

You're the one who seems to be getting irrationally angry at someone else's objections to the show (which he/she is entitled to).

you guys crack me up

I forget what happens in the books — Loras disappeared or something, right? I assume that will still happen after Tywin dies and Cersei is back in charge.

Fuck yeah Return to Oz! I love that movie; always love to hear it mentioned.

Really excited about Mark Gatiss.

Possible spoilers for fourth and fifth book in terms of things not happening:

I hope @sparkletone forgives me, but I totally didn't realize Margot was gay until Will was talking about proclivities. Where did she mention her sexuality?
