
Yeah if they’d had a good ol’ boy wearing a Confederate Battle Flag shirt, and drinking some Bud Lite there is *no way* they would have it that bridge. Damn foreign boats -- we should build a huge wall around all of them! This is all the fault of Obama Care!

There is basically no diversity on the board, there are *no* union representatives, and the only “engineer” was a previous Boeing CEO. They are all either ex-politicians (I’m including the military guys here) or people from the investment world.

There’s also tons of crossover between Toyota/Lexus and a decent amount between certain models of VW/Audi/Porsche/Lamborghini, and people buy those...

This is the REAL question.

It also asserts that the next generation of CarPlay will take “over all of the screens, sensors, and gauges in a car, forcing users to experience driving as an iPhone-centric experience if they want to use any of the features provided by CarPlay.”

This guy probably had some deep fantasy about defending himself against an invasion with all his Big Boy Guns. Someone comes knocking and shouting at 6am and the only thing he can think of is opening fire. With his salary, I bet he was in the 1%” among Little Rock residents, and was living in a great neighborhood.

I’d have to think twice about using an EV for ski trips:  you’d definitely need to have charging infrastructure sorted out due to needing the heater a lot.  I guess places like Tahoe are OK due to the proximity to the Bay Area EV crowd, but I’d not so confident about UT or CO.

good point!

I guess this isn’t a surprise since the same is true for the Ford turbo V6 vs V8:

The article on Wikipedia quotes 14.4 seconds for a “measured” 0-60 time. I see 11 seconds from “electrify news”, but that site seems to be basically just copy/pasting a BYD info sheet.

Thanks for doing the real reporting here -- why can’t Jalopnik provide some balanced coverage (in the article, at least) rather than just posting the sensationalist crap?

Bentley Turbo R, 1993, $40K

Whle the $10K price is impressive, the seagull is a tiny car with ~150miles range and a 0-60 time of nearly like 14.5 seconds. It almost certainly would not meet US crash safety standards. BYD also operates with Chinese government subsidies.

I would’ve gotten a Bolt EUV had it had AWD and faster charging.

with a badge delete, nobody will ever know that it isn’t the V8

I’m glad MB still builds coupes, but it seems like it’s going to be hard to find customers willing to pay >$100K for a ‘budget’ version of the GT.

Unfortunately, there’s nothing about the Cybertruck Cyberbeast that tells me owners will be calm and rational behind the wheel and keep their trucks below 65 miles per hour.

Because it really is that simple. A tariff makes items more expensive for the US citizen that buys the item. It takes more US$ to buy common items, so it’s inflation.

  • If he said the ‘bloodbath’ comment accidentally (and continues to reiterate / defend the comment), then he’s senile / insane.

I’ve seen about 3x Fisker Oceans per week for the last few weeks. Hopefully they can pull through; they seem pretty nice. If nothing else maybe VW can scrap the style-less ID.4 and replace it with the ocean, lol.