But people still smoke it... everywhere.
But people still smoke it... everywhere.
Someone hit my wife’s Volvo in the parking lot at about 2-3mph and their insurance ended up replacing the bumper cover. The new bumper cover, paint, and reinstallation of the ultrasonic sensors was around $1200.
Damn that’s expensive, but I guess it is a pretty expensive truck. The damage also looks like it’s more than just superficial.
Stoned people are no worse to put up with than drunk people, IMO. It would, however, be absolute torture to put up with the smell of people smoking weed — it would just take a few people to stink up every public space on the boat.
The Genesis product line seems pretty tempting to look, but does anyone have an idea if they suffer the same engine failures & lack of warranty support as Hyundai?
I 100% support a non-invasive, accurate way to stop drunk people from driving.
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It’s amazing how NADA, dealer groups, (and probably some politicians) are upset because they really want to preserve their “right” to lie and cheat dollars out of the consumers’ pocket.
Don’t worry — they’ll TOTALLY get it right this time!
It just seems like they could manage the supply chain better than 3M extra units -- it seems like they want to just set build quantity at the beginning of the year (or maybe quarter) and not look at it.
Hey GM, you’re full of crap.
3,000,000 vehicles * $40,000 = $120B!
Next week: car dealers write (another) letter to congress expressing outrage at the low demand for electric vehicles. Dealers demand that electric vehicle incentive programs be opened to all vehicles so they can continue to rake in their $7500-10k profit* for vehicle.
This true as well, but Prop 13 is a huge contribution to the inequity / insanity. Recently, CA zoning laws are starting to get overruled due to some new state regulations on developers who build ‘low income housing’ as part of a larger development.
Yes, my mistake... CARB
Old guy in Bakersfield — probably worships at the altar of Fox News on a nightly basis and has 25+ years of nightly rage programming. He finally cracked. I guess it’s better he was driving a truck than carrying a rifle.
Collateral damage is irrelevant. There are only two types of people: criminals who should be shot on the street, and people who are interfering in official police business by getting in the way.
So you would sacrifice the ability to breathe so that people can drive large vehicles that emit tons of pollution?
Well you’re screwed now, they’re going to get hired by your local department. Should have kept them in Decatur and just avoided Decatur.