I couldn't even get through the second season of Downton. I turned it off after episode 6 and never looked back. I'm good.
I couldn't even get through the second season of Downton. I turned it off after episode 6 and never looked back. I'm good.
Soulful spenders eh? I don't ever want to met the people this site is marketed towards.
You know you ain't shit for that right?
Emanti's grown, she/he can explain for herself. Thanks for your input though.
I know right? And all this convert your account business is just one more reason to quit. I might have to have a look over at hairpin to see if it's worth posting at or if it's more of the same.
Mz. Jenkins used to be in there fighting the good fight. And I was literally proud of her. I was never starred so I couldn't help out. But I guess eventually she threw her hands up and said to hell with this because I haven't seen her or the other black regla's on gawker lately.
It's the only way I can think to describe it. You go there to check out some articles that look interesting and then bam! Casual racism all over the place. You think well maybe it was just that one time or I'll say something about it and they'll surely listen; WRONG. Because then they get bold because you complained…
Mmm girl that is definitely Gawker. After I saw those white folks run Mz. Jenkins out of there I was through.
Tiny sausages.
Seriously, I've seen more smiles at a funeral.
He's your ex. Just stop hanging around him. If he asks why just tell him it's because you're a fucking racist.
I cannot stress this enough. It's good that there was a break on comment for Gawker. Perfect chance to end that abusive relationship.
Tell me something offended ancient Greek philosophy scholar; why is it in math class we are taught about the ancient Greeks and other European folks when other people figured these important principles out first? Cause somehow I think it has a lot to do with why a Greek ratio is telling everybody that a regla looking…
I've always wanted to be darker skinned like my mother. Alas I am medium brown. And I fly into a rage if someone dares call me lightskinned. No disrespect to lightskinned folks but that is just not me and I don't appreciate everything that goes along with it.
I'm just going to leave this here. [fuckyeahdarkgirls.tumblr.com] my new favorite tumblr.
They ALWAYS do that to Beyonce. They do it to Halle too. But Bey especially.
YES on the miss universe thing! Just call her Miss Earth or Miss World or something. Miss Universe is too presumptuous.
One of these days the worlds most beautiful woman will be a man (probably that andrej peijic dude) and then we can all stop paying attention to shit like this.
I was sitting here thinking similar thoughts. Like why use a silly greek ratio? They were wrong about everything anyway. Sure the scientific method is good but that was like one thing. Sounds like a lot of bo-bo science to me.
What is homeland about?