I lurve sloths. And he's one of those funny blond ones too. very cool!
I lurve sloths. And he's one of those funny blond ones too. very cool!
*nods at Fae fact* Well horchata is a true loss. And I didn't even know vanilla was in it.
Thanks for replying to my comment and therefore validating my existence. X D
Fashion is responsible in the sense that the aesthetic for woman's fashion is a Pubescent boy. Since no woman can magically become a teenage boy the best she can do is starve herself into it.
I don't even like vanilla ice cream.
Halloween is my second favorite holiday after New years.
Look he is stroking the tiny puppy with his thumb. Awwwwwwahawwwwwwwwww
Thank you. How often do adults get to play dress up in public? Why waste such a great opportunity?
If you're a black actress (or hell any non-white actress) in hollywhite there's nothing for you but tokenism. Unless of course you're in a Tyler perry film.
She looks like a pilgrim from the waist up in this pic circa Last King of Scotland. But she wasn't nearly as thin as she is now.
She def used to have some meat on her bones.
I know it just became so obvious in this picture of her in her under-roos. it made me a little sad.
R.I.P. Kerry Washington's thickness.
Fact: As a kid I wanted to be Cheetarah when I grew up. Also LOLZ @ "I didn't mean fat"
That red and black cape is so chic.
*Sigh* his booty is so precious.
Are you saying that rich people are receiving a handout from god?
She was awesome. I hi-five my mom in my head all the time.
Saying no to kids is fun. It's also fun to think of creative ways to tell them no. For instance my mom had another fun thing to say when we asked for things
I vote for heart shaped nipples. I think this is great!