
Yeah she covers the bases when it comes to POC and LGBT issues. That's why I like her blog so much. I don't always agree with her but she always has something worth reading and contemplating.

Just let it settle in Serenada. Many people have a negative reaction to her writing and dismiss it out of hand but once they read through a bit more they can see where's she's coming from and find themselves agreeing with her. She's not lying, you just don't like what she said.

They like salt. Porcupines will gnaw on wooden things that people have touched because of the salt in our perspiration.

I don't care what anyone says these two chicks are government clones!

Girl what about the piece of beef jerky they got on Burn Notice? She know she needs to be playing the "hot" grandma. I put that in quotations cause you know beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that.

I'm mad they never let the cute Black doctor on there be sexy. They act like she is a mother hen or something and she's adorable. But that's one of the many reasons I don't watch Grey's Anatomy.

Sorry I was doing stuff and didn't see your reply. But here it is anyway. Be warned she doesn't pull punches. [www.ankhesen-mie.net]

Welcome to jezebel where a young recently widowed mother is ridiculed for shooting a knife wielding attacker attempting to break into her home.

Kerry's middle aged? You know black women can play younger roles cause we tend to age so well. What trips me out is when they have these tired dried up husks of a woman playing some supposed 20 year old. Ellen Pompeo I'm looking at you.

Girl yes. I'm convinced that if a black person cures cancer there will be some white person there to say that black people created AIDS or some ignorant shit like that.

I've read some really troubling things about the black characters portrayal on that show so I've been avoiding it.

Girl I make excuses for community all day long cause I just love the show so much. But it's good to be able to talk to someone else that noticed some of the not cool things about it. I think we're on the same page.

Yeah that guy is a pro. He made me jealous of the girl he was screwing.

Argh every retail joint I worked at did these same things with the bag checks including one brief stint at Urban Outfitters. What the hell!

I like the cut of your jib!

Naw Troy was 21 by season 2. And Jeff...I'm just not seeing how this dude is supposed to be attractive. Putting him next to Donald Glover is just mean in my opinion. When he smiles it's like "Whoa where did my panties go?" Not to mention his perfect ass...

The Deep dish here is very serious so definitely some lightweights won't be able to handle it. But Chicago thin crust is just as good as the deep dish. Again Chicago pizza is the best. Don't hate y'all still have trash out in the front.

Now when is Donald Glover doing a sesame street thing? His perfect smile is my favorite thing about Community.

Sigh I loooove Community. But I can't lie when i first started watching it Abed gave off "Sexless Asian weirdo" vibes. And Troy is obviously way hotter than Jeff but he get no play. Like what white male fantasy is this? Still I love the show.

I have never had a cheeseburger pizza. But if I ever find myself in Omaha I will try it. Not gonna lie it sounds kinda crazy as all get out.