
I read and "absorbed" your comment and it tasted like racist so I spit it out.

You're upset? Too damn bad. Maybe now you can understand how someone might have felt reading your post.

The fact that you believe that we are in a post racial society proves that you are clueless about race relations in America. And how very privileged of you to think that you can say racially insensitive things and it's the black person's fault. How the hell did you get a star?

Thanks. I was actually holding back. Something about our black president having to prove his humanity to "Smartgal" over here really set me off.

You grow up. You said a stupid offensive thing and you're lucky that's all I said to you. Seriously think before you click submit.

Uhhh he's always been human. That whole 3/5ths bit was abolished with the 14th amendment. Just saying...

Yeah my mom didn't play that white doll stuff with us. She also pointed out to us how in the commercial for dolls the black doll was always off to the side or in back. She was doing her best to keep us from being brainwashed by the media. It's a hard job but I'm glad she did it.

Good tutorial. If I had a kid I'd do this to all her barbies. My mom did her best to make sure we only had black dolls (we had a few Polynesian barbies too) growing up and if she had known how to kink their hair out she probably would have done so.

I'm convinced that she and Katy Perry are clones escaped from a government laboratory.

Yeah she sort of starts out as a woman-child but she's not mean and nasty. She screws things up and does things for the wrong reasons but she's so human and totally crazy. She also ages in the comic. She starts out 24 and by the end of the series she is 29 I think. Probably the funniest thing I've read in ages.

Ah a practical explanation. Thanks!

It's those eyebrows. She doesn't get them cleaned up like her mom but it's still obviously the same shape.

The pubic eye delights me. I am glad you made the error.

But feeling pressure pain is necessary isn't it?

I felt like the dad was checked out for the entire film. Like why was he even there? It's fine to be understanding and all that but damn have some fatherly nuance. It just felt like an "everything's ok because we say it is" sort of portrayal. really fucking flat and not believable.

So this means that these rats don't know to avoid acid? How is that a good thing?

How did you feel about the dad in that movie cause I thought he was just too okay with everything. he just like pats the kid on the back the knocked his kid up. Seriously? What sort of dad is that?

Might I suggest for your reading pleasure...

Shit being in the pubic eye is tough for anyone let alone a writer!

Also I'm 30 and I have hello kitty drawes. *shrug* They still fit so I wears 'em. I quadruple dare someone to give me shit for wearing them.