
"Also, disturbingly, some psychologists did a study of rape trials and found that female jurors were more likely to find the rapist (well, alleged) not guilty. Men were far more likely to find them guilty. What does that mean, I wonder?"

Ahh this is interesting I hadn't thought of it that way. If their making serious money in China then I can't really fault them for catering to them.

Pie is the king of all pastries! Fie on cake fie!

I imagine most his products are out of the reach of fans due to cost and them being too fat. Damn shame.

I noticed that too. There isn't anything going on in the background of these pictures and the women are wearing swimsuits, where is the styling supposed to be?

I heard she and Vartan were broken up before she got with Ben. Scott Foley has said it himself that Jennifer wasn't cheating on him. Jennifer blew up because of Alias and he couldn't handle it. Don't drag the poor girl through the mud needlessly. Wait till she actually does something bad.

If folks like it then I guess so, but I will continue to look incredulously and wonder aloud "Where's the booty?"


I don't want to put words in your mouth sorry. it was more a comment on the phrase as opposed to an assumption of your intention. : )

Do people really think she has a nice ass? I thought it was painfully obvious how lacking she was in that video she did with Beyonce. It was like why is a 10 year old boy dancing next to Beyonce?

I'm not even fat but I want to punch this guy in the face, repeatedly. That crazy mentality where everyone bigger than a size 4 is fat is the reason that bulimia and anorexia exist today.

Dude seems healthy to me and healthy is much better than scrawny. Its hard fucking scrawny dudes. Actually it hurts.

My very good friend is a HUGE fan of Forever Knight. She still talks about that show and how much she misses it.

I agree except that setting the standard implies that other authors of the genre have surpassed her. In sales? probably, but in quality of writing? hecky naw.

I miss Lestat and Armand. Everytime a new vampire show rolls around i have to reread as much Anne rice as possible and then go be by myself.

Honestly I think Harris's books are only slightly above the twilight and anita blake books. People are going to hate me for saying this but the whole every man in town is after the same average-ass white woman is a red flag that you're reading wish fulfillment fantasy by a very sad and horny author.

I genuinely laughed long and hard at this. Thanks

Yuppers let's get some cheap cab and make some sangria.

Don't even think like that. Just keep it moving. There will always be other men. Not necessarily better or worse, just different.

Thats exactly what I was thinking. How do we know the woman isn't regretting wasting so much time on an idiot? When I remember past relationship I find myself going "God I liked that asshole what was I thinking?"