Random Poster

I don’t think I’ve ever listened to an AM station that was actually clear enough to make me want to listen to it. Always heavily distorted with lots of feedback.

Agreed. Even though Perlman hasn’t done the character near as many times as Conroy did for Batman I would say his portrayal of Hellboy was iconic.

So happy for this I’ve recently been trying to find any game on PC that hits that Armored Core gameplay itch. The only thing I have found is a game called Daemon X Machina (any suggestions from anyone would be awesome ) but it’s not got as much weight to the mechs as I like. Armored Core for me was like a balance

Ron Perlman basically ruined all other voices of Hellboy for me. Lance Reddick is doing a fine job there but it still feels off.

It only comes across that way if you think they are lying and not Nintendo.

That doesn’t actually say you can’t host a tournament, just that it’s not an official tournament unless those guidelines are followed.

Agreee. I would probably shove toothpicks in my ears if I had to listen to the video game version of Mario for two hours.

Yeah that was a bit eye catching when I read that.

ultimately steering hardware sales towards Microsoft and away from Google.”

Google said what now?

But but most of the things you just pointed out were all decisions made by the guy they just kicked out

Eh that would be because Hamilton is just about the only F1 driver Americans know of.  

This is from 2001 his career was pretty much near his peak. And while he’s definitely on the downside of that peak now, I wouldn’t say he’s washed up either.

The golden laurels are usually used to designate royalty though.

Let’s see it work.”

Yeah I always felt like the animated one was a refinement of that batmobile. And I also have to admit that I like the movie one slightly better though I do agree the nipple should be cut off.

Don't give Activision ideas

I imagine same problem there as with Apple and Google since Steam takes a cut

I like having to switch styles depending on type of enemy, add an extra layer to the manyany fights you get

S I’m not one prone to getting scared easily and I don’t have a specific moment but there is one game I started playing and nooed out on.