
There is no woman in f1/motogp 2019. Neither in the videogame version nor in the real world sport. Funnily they are also the sports where physical power and sex of the competitors wouldn’t matter but yet no one asks for it. It makes more sense to put a 190kg newly-made woman in the women weight lifting category, uh?

Alongside its growing playerbase... has come a growing issue with bad player behavior, including racism, sexism, and homophobia.

If you dont like it, just dont play it.” Remember? Personally, I am having quite a bit of fun there.

What the fuck does this even refer to?

Yeah everyone who disagrees with you is an incel. What an intelligent argument.

No, not really. While I don’t really care what’s added to Mordhau as its’ historical accuracy is laughable, claiming that female warriors were common in medieval times is also an absurdly inaccurate statement. There were female warriors, but they were few and far between, the fact that you have to find a list to prove

Why hasn’t counter strike been pitchforked. They don’t have women characters.

All things aside I always find all these controversies strange in games about murdering people.”Now we can stab and murder brown people and females as well!” Diversity? Overwatch has this really great roster of characters with a lot of diversity, which is great. Then they go and get shot in the face a million times a

Are people really complaining about minorities being added to a non historically accurate game? You guys are sad, man. We kill and/or screw aliens in games ffs.

If that last paragraph is right, these are 11 first time developers and volunteer staff. If you don’t like the chat, volunteer to moderate. As far as their statements go, it doesn’t seem like they have a PR team, so they say too much and aren’t clear on their statements. The whole point of PR is to get that message in

Others are citing how strange it is for players to be complaining that women might be added to a game where frying pans do more damage than pitchforks.

They only post comments that fit their narrative, why even have a comment section?

I don’t like the way you manipulate a videogame to support your victimized point of view. isn’t enough to live one’s sexuality as one wants? the way you all pretend that every aspect of the world must be tailored upon your sexual behavior is frankly disturbing. live your life, have sex with whoever you want, why is

You cant create a good narrative if you kneel to every race, gender or sexual preference in the hopes of getting everyones good side. Stop with this SJW BS.

And that’s why a lot of artists (me included) refuse to create characters that have a different sexual orientation, or different identity. Identity politics is a minefield. You demand representation in mainstream media but fail to see the consequences of the fact that the overwhelming majority of artists is

It’s a bummer that a silly video game like this could have that kind of power over a person. But as far as relating, maybe try to relate to the characters on some level that is not related to sexuality. Maybe how they’re outgoing, or talented, or how they view the world, or how they relate to others. There are

I just want to ask a question... didn’t Juri go through literal body modifications/scientific experiments on her to gain her powers? Like I thought that was what pushed her off her rocker?

Also she’s a video game character and isn’t real. Probably shouldn’t compare yourself to her. Just saying.

As a bisexual myself I honestly don’t see it that way. Juri is a sadist. She seems to get pleasure from inflicting pain, regardless of gender. She gives no indication of actually being attracted to her victims at all. Instead she gets off on fighting and causing them pain. I wouldn’t call that bisexual. It seems more

The character is a villain and is not a nice person. The fact that she is potentially bi-sexual based on her own commentary during the game isn’t who she is. She is a flat out evil person. In fact, in her original iteration, she was supposed to be a sympathetic villain with a more tragic back story and then the

But... she’s a villain, bisexual or not, her behavior falls in line with her role on the story, maybe don’t try to identify yourself with the bad guys?