
You mean you want gamers who pay $60 of their hard-earned cash for a broken AAA title to be nice and friendly with the fucks who ripped them off?

Or stop crying about someone who’s been dead for a long time and just enjoy the stories?

I’m getting the same vibes from this that I get from Nintendo’s Youtube policies. It’s just a matter of time until someone reveals that one of the anime companies or BamCo felt they should be getting revenue from the tournaments, ignoring the fact that the game was getting free marketing from these events. 

Exactly! This isn’t about inclusion though its in its name, its about ease and getting plaudits for being inclusive. Seriously had they gender swaped Seiya himself that would have been something interesting, but no its Shun... It shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the property. That is why people are angry.

It’s not really the same issue here.

It really seems like they just picked the worst possible character if this was the message they wanted to send about inclusivity.

The major issue is in many ways in the name of inclusion they change the one character who was already inclusive. So instead of having a sensitive and multifaceted male character who breaks expectations (that still exists in this genre) we’re now going to have a pointless controversy with none of what made that

Yeah that excuse wouldn’t work if it was a swwastika and I don’t think it works either. The condescending tone really sucks to. 0/10 points for this kthx.

Dear Korea,

It’s funny how people are defending this. One second they say, ‘who cares if they’re 300 years old they look like children!’, and then when people point out that they look nothing like children they say ‘look at their actual age they’re only 15!’ when this is a Japan game and by their country’s federal laws the age of

Given that those women look like they are 30, the fact that they have no given age in the English releases of the games, and that it is a videogame, I won’t care whatsoever. Enjoy getting triggered by everything you don’t like.

Oh Christ, you’ve gone full Jack Thompson. Games, and media in general can bring out emotions, make people cry, etc. That does NOT mean they cause people to imitate what they read, see, and play. I’ll get a spike of serotonin playing Battlefield, that doesn’t mean playing it correlates to me going out and start

You keep putting this heavy emphasis on them being underage and therefore children while ignoring the fact that what makes a character underage isn’t solid in the states nor solid among 1st World countries. Sounds like underage to you is anything below 18, but there are more states where 16 and 17 is legal compared to

Sorry Nazi’s are the reason my Great Grandparents fled Poland and Germany. it’s not “reverse racism” it’s just Racism.

Unless you’re arguing that this joke is not targeting white people (which would seem very hard given the context of the joke), you can’t argue that it’s not racist, regardless of history or systematic ties to jokes.  And, yes, there is both a history to the jokes and a systematic bias against those about whom the

fight racism with racism?

I honestly don’t understand this critic.
Isn’t the whole idea of video games where you play as the protagonist for the world to react to your presence in a more interactive way?
Or would you prefer that all the interactions with NPC’s play out like the vague conversations that you have by greeting random strangers in

I kinda get what you’re going for, but I don’t think I agree. In a totally realistic game, not every good deed would lead to a reward. Maybe the person you saved doesn’t have anything to give you, maybe they’re just an asshole, maybe they get killed by random marauders before they get back into town. But at the same