
Good lord, I’d be useless. Thank god it’s 99% Invisible.

Guess who Vox works with on these videos.

It’s in the video

Yup, they’re the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family.

“J” wouldn’t be helpful from a linguists perspective; in the International Phonetic Alphabet that makes an English y sound (while y represents the German ü or French y).

Is it a good chunk or is it a very very small chunk that is extremely loud? I’ve not paid enough attention to the fandom to be able to tell, but based on the rest of the internet, my guess is that it’s the latter.

Are you Larry Niven?

It would’ve deserved it too. The first season is nigh on unwatchable and the second season has a handful of good episodes sprinkled among some utter shit.

First run syndication plus Paramount being willing to give them a minimum of two seasons to work things out definitely saved them.

And Roddenberry becoming too sick to meddle. And his lawyer who was rewriting scripts and claiming it was Roddenberry’s work being banned from the Paramount lot. And Maurice Hurley being essentially forced out and the infinitely better Michael Piller replacing him.

Basically a lot of production staff changes near the

No, “Her Majesty” was not initially listed.

This is a common theory across the entire Star Trek fandom internet. And based on how cagey everyone involved with the show is about the actor no one has ever seen or heard of before who played Voq, it probably is true.

High frequency single words was a common X-Files episode titling scheme. “Ice”, “Space”, “Fire”, “Shapes”, “Blood”, “Triangle”, etc. No clue what motivated the choice between titles like that and some of the longer, more evocative titles.

Yes, he has mentioned elsewhere that he has a house in Brooklin, ME. I don’t think he’s hiding the fact too much.

I think it helps with stopping Garfield conspiracy theories that he was shot pretty much point blank and the shooter was caught on the spot and happy to explain his motive to anyone in earshot. (He wanted Arthur to be president and was unhappy that Garfield was trying to stop the patronage system.) He thought he’d be

Sushi doesn’t have to have fish. The only required element is the rice-wine vinegared rice. My favorite kind (in part because it’s always vegetarian) is inarizushi, which are pockets of fried tofu (aburage) stuffed with sushi rice.

They apparently weren’t scanned very well, because a lot of the characters are backwards and/or upside down or sideways.

SimCity for SNES. There was a cheat to get infinite money (set taxes to 0% and spend all your money in the 1st year? Something like that.) Then build the most elaborate city you can do before you get bored. Then unleash all of the natural disasters over and over until it’s all destroyed or you get too bored again.

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