Since you’re so pedantic about how “words mean things”, let’s look at your definition on a purely DENOTATIVE manner.
Since you’re so pedantic about how “words mean things”, let’s look at your definition on a purely DENOTATIVE manner.
The American Heritage Dictionary defines the term concentration camp as: “A camp where persons are confined, usually without hearings and typically under harsh conditions, often as a result of their membership in a group which the government has identified as dangerous or undesirable.”
Explain how this definition isn’t *literally* what these detention facilities are? You’re right, words do matter. Clearly you don’t know what a concentration camp really is.
The only time I’ve ever had a screen crack is when someone literally knocked it out of my hands. You’re looking at two decades of nothing bad happening outside of that.
49/50 and I am the opposite of proud.
What really cracks me up with when someone buys one of the glass screen protectors, but doesn’t replace it when it saves the screen from a drop. If they’re willing to run around with a cracked glass screen protector until they’re eligible for a phone upgrade, why did they bother to protect the phone screen in the…
Fuck that, the phone looks good without a case. I don’t want to cover it up.
I love 0% for x amount of time deals. Why use my money when I can use theirs for a year or three and invest mine? You just have to make damned sure you have the wherewithal to pay it off before it comes due with three years of 30% interest tacked on.
This is correct. I’ve been using AfterPay for two years, and I have never paid interest (b/c they don’t charge it), and the money comes out on a fixed schedule. They also tell you a few days in advance to make sure you have $$ in your account. I’ve yet to see a drawback with that company, but I’m not the be all, end…
I was looking at afterpay when I was trying to buy some impromptu snow equipment last season, and what I was told is that it’s 0% interest and is not a loan. They don’t make you pay them like you would a bank, instead you give them your credit card, and every month they automatically charge your card the same way…
It did and we should all say it louder.
It pretty much screwed over everyone that isn’t rich.
That Trump Tax law is really screwing me over. I’m moving for the second time under it, meaning a lot more of my moving allowance is taxable. And I’ve been teleworking since March and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future, so losing out on that. I think it’s personally going to end up costing me something…
While I do prefer the first, Galaxy 2 is still an exceptional game, and I’m sad it’s not part of the 3D collection.
Since I got this wood chipper? Fewer.
I wonder if Sweeney realizes the irony in his tweet.
iOS has that as well. But they both still let advertisers track you via a personalized id #.
Twilight Princess and Breath of the Wild were both system sellers, but that might be unfair since both bridged console generations (it’d be like if the first or second Last of Us was delayed a few months and did the same for Sony).
Excited to find the first approved comment from someone who likely works for the Trump campaign, and claims to know everything while having their head completely up their ass.
Fail to pay your companies debts and you’re a millionaire, and possibly President.