
There was a wired article that went into some of this in more detail, but deploying fuzzing against a website they don’t have permission to use it on is potentially a lawsuit on their side and depending on the extent of it could cause issues with computer abuse and fraud laws.

Last upgrade GameStop had a deal for a $50 upgrade that was well worth it for a new battery. If they do another for ~100 I'll likely upgrade as handheld is my main mode.

Ars did a nice write up on this. It looks like there’s a different vulnerability that was being exploited to gain root access to devices. The current thought is that the factory reset exploit is being used to wipe the device for another attacker to steal it from the first person that got root access.

The 4k option on top of allowing unlimited at home streams lets you get 3 concurrent streams outside the home. Whereas the normal plan is 3 total (in and out) this is unlimited + 3.

At the same time, after $200 in a week, you could end the promotion? Or to avoid the shady look place restrictions on it. The article mentioned they had no listed restrictions. It seems like there would be a number of ways to handle avoiding an “eater circuit.” That said the backlash was extreme.

If you haven’t seen it, I’d recommend looking at gocoax moca 2.5 adapters

If you haven’t seen it, I’d recommend looking at gocoax moca 2.5 adapters

I get that they should remember the fake information for this, but the fact that the company defaults back to birthday and address is one of the reasons you should be using fake information. Or banks that default to mother’s maiden name or social security number.

This part is particularly funny considering to break into the iphone they’re also using something that by “standard industry practice” would be reported to the Apple and not sold as a zero day black box.

Agreed on having it since day one, but it looks like they added additional controls for the all or nothing system under the original universal “Enable HDMI Device Link” option.

I had a launch day ps5, and this was the first thing I shut off. You had to turn off the hdmi device link for it:

I really like the 3:2 form factor on laptops after using a chromebook pixel, but the lack of thunderbolt and last gen and chip is disappointing. Especially when you add in the ssd lottery you need to run to get the better drives.

I had the same experience. Until chapter 4 or so I had every character using both jp up for abilities and only changing subjobs for damage while keeping whatever main job they were leveling to maximize jp. In chapter 5/6 I started switching main jobs for bosses as well. I did go high risk high reward though with 2

Similar to what Science said it does depend a lot on the architecture of the drive as well. My limited understanding is that more nand chips and lanes means faster interactions with the controller. And in general have just always heard larger size drives perform better. I actually looked up benchmarks on the Samsung

A bit confused why you used differing sized drives as performance tends to increase with size in SSDs.

The lack of profile support for youtube/youtube tv is still a pain point if using the families options.

Was already planning to get it, but putting the lyrics up for my favorite song has me wanting to play royal again while I wait.

For switch games it kind of is now. They’ve done it a few times though usually with first party stuff.

I’m not going to pretend to know all the rules around this, it’s just something I remember reading about.

Now playing

This seems relevant to graphical beauty/greatness of the new consoles.