
your micro-agression has literally misgendered me, my balls have dropped off……and i'm now a eunuch…and attacking me kinda makes you a eunuchist,

it's basically the Claremont incident-you might be a victim, but you don't follow our narrative so fuck off

I'm not your friend, guy

You're an AD stacy….snap out of it….og god the micro-agressions, they're getting to me…..trigger…Trigger..TRIGGER

And find a way to avoid dealing with the general whorishness of digital media including the AVClub's marketing and ads.
'It's the times we live in, bros. The times made me do it!'

it's ironic especially in the light of the recent launch of Clickhole which basically now looks increasingly like a me-too site with no ambitions of real satire.

You hit the nail right on the head. I might have to stop coming here now. The only problem is I don't know where to go, especially now that The Dissolve is dead. Any recommendations?

Remember the old AV Club? Before the gang left for The Dissolve?

IGN is basically an ad agency at this point

Taboola, Adsense and Outbrain…the initials spell out TAO….the chinese concept of doctrine…oh god….they……must…be…destroyed..we must rearrange them in the following order…

How dare you talk about Mr.Plinkett and the hack frauds at RLM in a condescending manner? Our Lord and saviour Rich Evans is going to fuck you up!

'Zeus falling to his death with zero legal repercussions for our hero'

The Hulkster already sent his ass back to fantasyland, brother!

"Why found-footage horror deserves your respect"

Well god-dang it Two-Face, if you ain't nailed it, slap my bottom and call me Tippytoe


wait a minute, Steve Carell, already dealt with the financial crisis

I think in the narrative, one of them will feel bad and seek some sort of redemption. From the looks of it probably Steve Carell's character.

well, he was the only guy she didn't date.

I loved how the announcers talked about WRESTLING and WRESTLERS and WOMEN. Not superstars and divas. I'm pretty sure the first thing HHH is going to do when he takes over is saying this is wrestling and we are wrestlers and these are divas. He must go insane as a wrestler to hear those words because Vince and Kevin