
Did anyone else notice Marys horse is a little taller than everyone else's? She's literally on a fucking high horse. Also bitch spends more time with Anna than her own son. Edith's clearly the better mother

Suck it nerdlingers I've already watched the whole season!

Uh you people are so hipster. Play some mainstream games!!!!

That could be debated. Fox News pronounces it 'Secret Muslim'

He's my father. I am Zwizza Zoller, Marquess Of Duchovnia

Go smash some pumpkins you baldie baldman

I'm hooked

You're resilient, I'll give you that.

*insert pedophilia joke*

How about doing ones that follow standard tropes but do them well? As in non-flashy shots but doing them well, the opposite of Divergent: The Nemesis Project. Also hope you can post more frequently

Bill Cosby once tried to rape a girl but she had consensual sex with him. Night ruined