Nothing to add, just wanted to say hang in there, I know how it can be to not have many people to talk to. I’m sorry that you’ve had some bad luck recently and I hope that turns around. Merry Christmas. :)
He deleted it, so I guess it stopped giving, afterall.
Sorry for attacking single mothers when I said I thought this eighty year old working film actress, who said she stole shit cause she didn’t have money ON HER, maybe just forgot her purse at home. Call me Javert.
There are easier ways to demonstrate the effects of ending net neutrality.
Laugh now, but this guy is eventually gonna figure out a way to have sex with those girls on PornHub, and we’ll be calling him the Thomas Edison of the 21st century.
Gather ‘round, kids.
The preferred version
Need to go back to what got them there..hookers and crack!
To the pit of misery dilly dilly!
I’ve checked your posts. You should not be allowed on the Internet.
It’s called creativity. They’re thinking outside the (three) box(es).