Random Computer

That’s not the best gif. If it was clearer (I watched it live) it looks like the ball is punched out as he’s securing it. Watching it in real time it was knocked out almost immediately.

I guarantee if that exact play had happened in the end zone it would have been ruled incomplete.

The video was super Trumpish too. Not a good look for Diddy nee Dirty Money

Are we sure those tweets are from Diddy and not from, oh, I don’t know, the guy who thinks he’s the best president we’ve ever had?

Shitty Trump supporting buffoon has shitty take about other shitty Trump supporting buffoon.

I know that he made it the old-fashioned way.

Gronk catches everything, including every STD known to medical science.

Unless you’re a Pats fan (in which case, fuck you) there’s no reason not to be cheering for the Steelers in this spot.

I’d say that James had established possession on that particular catch. As much as I loathe both teams, Pittsburgh (in my opinion) got fucked.

The ruled catch-and-fumble to end the Packers game added to my confusion. This looked like less of a catch than Jesse James’.

Because they haven’t established possession through the whole catch; where as the runner has possession as soon as it is handed to him. It’s stupid, but it is what it is.

“The receiving player must maintain full control of the ball from the initial point of contact all the way through CTE diagnosis.”

Did you see TLJ?

Now you’ve done it. Now Jerry will bid 550 recs.

I just need somewhere to put this

Richardson was apparently very disappointed to learn he had to sell the whole team rather than each player individually.