All Gates Open
All Gates Open
Fiona Apple
Magic Jake & The Power Crystals - Still So Young
Look up “the death of empathy.” It’s one of the propaganda tactics used by the extreme right to smooth the path to killing off the safety net.
Whether or not it makes them more worried about death, it won’t change their decision to shoot up. Your family members were doing heroin when they thought they wouldn’t be saved from an OD. They’re still doing heroin now that they think they might be. If you take that away...they’ll still do heroin. I’d prefer they do…
Even if you are callous enough to think that sick people should just fuck off until they die, people with diseases like Hepatitis and AIDs (common among needle users) can cause community health problems to other (in your mind, more deserving) people. Hence why San Francisco currently has to disinfect their streets to…
I mean ... I do love the stale cheese popcorn in those terrible Christmas tins. This seems like an upgrade.
don’t forget also matt stafford
Extreme Bottle Flipping
D-O-G, when interviewed, said he himself doesn’t need training, as he is so naturally awesome, but is willing to assist those poor benighted dog-things in trying to slightly increase their own capabilities.
The loud purrs at the beginning of the video!!! What Good Critters.
Why did Zukka get banned? WTF?!
Well, there it is guys, sorry, SCOOTERROOTER says we can’t do this. Let’s pack it up, we’re done here.
It’s not enabling. Addicts are going to shoot up whether they have access to clean needles. No one says, “You know, I was never going to use heroin. But then I discovered there was a needle exchange in my town so I figured, ‘Why the hell not?’”
this dude looks like a fake Onion article about 2017 rappers
“In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: The police, who are are trying to plant some shit on me, and bitch I got lawyer money.”
TMZ got the bodycam video from his arrest