When he decided to sell the car, he should have Cena lawsuit coming.
How’d you get that photo of Melania at the WH Halloween party?
I’m surprised they saw it.
I care.
Dude, I’m a Pats fan, but there’s room enough for Kraft on the plane. He’s a Trump supporter and while he’s one of the nicer, more generous owners, it’s like saying he’s one of the nicer wasps, still an asshole.
Bob Kraft is ok is he? The cunt who gave Trump a super bowl ring? That guy?
I wish every Masshole who treats Bob Fucking Kraft as if he were a saint; the guy who tried to move the team to fucking Hartford, the guy who was one of the first to legitimize Trump, the guy who more than anyone is why Goodell is commissioner, would line up and take turns eating my ass. Brady uses PEDs btw.
Best part of a separate Slate piece covering this charade:
Don’t forget the part where you’re not supposed to endorse specific candidates from pulpit when you have non-profit status as a church, and you are sure as shit not supposed to have political rallies there.
Take comfort in the knowledge that since Kimmel started speaking out politically, his ratings have climbed steadily, and according to the most recent rating trend reports, Kimmel is now on target to bump Fallon out of second place by about February (Colbert will, of course, retain first place in the late night…
So Jimmy Kimmel sent an employee down here to Theodore for Roy Moore’s fundraising thing last night. He was kicked out after heckling Moore, which I thought was hilarious, but the locals are piiiiisssed. They’re like “He disrespected a CHURCH! This is the worst thing to ever happen, ever!” The irony of their standing…
“They’re socialists who want to change our way of life. Putting man above God and the government is our god. They are the Washington establishment. They want to keep everything the same so they don’t lose their position, power, and prestige.”
Conservatives would smash all their computers and smartphones to teach us libs a lesson.
That might serve as some sort of defense if he was just your crazy racist uncle down the street and not, oh, say, the President of the United States.