Random Computer

This might be risky since you just created this burner, but how do you know?

never seen an episode could care less

Megyn Kelly said she wanted to discuss this airplane incident a little more, and said, “Who better to ask than Matt Lauer?”

Would be great hear Marc Jacobs’ oppinion about the Weinstein’s behaviour.

Hey, you’re absolutely right. I know we should keep this as very important. and yeah we should shame them and try to make society change overall on how it treats sexual harassment. It is a mindset though, you have to change the mindset of men just like you have to change the mindset of gun advocates. The country just

For what it’s worth, the Terry Crews story really got to me. I know I’m not the wokest of men, but I keep trying to learn how to be better. I have a build similar to Crews minus maybe 30 lbs, but am still bigger then most other men. I’m too nice of of a guy though, I don’t really retaliate to putdowns. In the last few

One of the saddest things about all the Weinstein stories is how quickly it made everyone stop talking about the Las Vegas shooting. I mean, I’m glad he’s getting all the negative coverage. I just wish we could keep discussing gun control as well as sexual assault. I’m probably going to get shit for this.

Michael Moore,

Dude, persisting with the #NotAllMen comments after several women have told you to stop isn’t a good look. When you continue doing something after a woman tells you to stop you’re not helping the perception of men.

support from Females they do indeed respect and support

Well Lea was Bra-Less so...

I’ll be honest. I watched the video before actually clicking into the article. I was 100% sure that painting was going to be the number 69. I was a little let down that it wasn’t. It was still sweet though.

Wouldn’t not giving two shits about what others think mean that you are living in a bubble? Living in a bubble is not being open to listening to other’s opinions, which is what you basically just admitted.

Will we be able to see the earpieces?

“Social media is way too toxic.”

She deserves sole responsibility for encouraging his fetish.

Do you think there’s any merit to the theorized connection of the Templar and the Oak Island mystery?

In the wake of a tragic accident

This is the only important question.

Yeah, giving the Nazis a lot of attention seems like the best solution. I mean, giving Trump a lot of attention really solved that problem.