
Wow, that’s a very specific interest!

Or a drunken Gallagher show. But yes...

It’s the only thing I know how to do correctly. You should also see me try to use a shaker... but bring a poncho.

Is that why fancy bar spoons have twists on the handle?

I’ve mastered stirring. It took a lot of ordering Manhattans and watching good bartenders do it (I also flat-out asked a few) but I got that shit down. You should come over and watch me! I barely jostle the ice and the spoon simply twirls in my hand.

They’re the best with an Old Fashioned or Manhattan. Once you use Luxardo Cherries you’ll never use maraschino cherries again.

I want him to do an instructional post on stirring. I still stir like a chump.

Big deal. I found half of a sleeping UAW worker under the 3rd row of my Traverse.

No matter the salt it is true. One of the biggest expenses in movie production are actors salaries. It currently is not based on if the movie is good or not.

The only thing we need to do is pay actors less. They don’t need to be paid $10 million dollars to stand around talking.

I miss when the alt-right was a NASCAR track run in reverse.

Congratulations, Mr. RadarLove8888, on COTD! My award to you is a lovely Ford GT which this lovely lady will not deliver to you. I’ll make the delivery myself.....................don’t hold your breath. ;-)

Interestingly covert if so.

Obviously the driver misjudged his coronering speed.

I forsee a future where I along with most of the driving population say FUCK personal transportation and ride the autonomous bus everywhere if they’re pulling this monkey shit already.

In a nutshell.

The presence of an apex predator indicates more than simply survival. To support a population of high level predators, there has to be a very complete, healthy supporting food chain below it. The fact that there would’ve been enough diversity from plankton all the way up the chain in sufficient numbers to support a

Eye for an eye has always been an idiotic solution. Actual eye for an existential eye is even more idiotic.

I wasn’t arguing with you.

I get your point better now, thanks for the clarity. I do still think it’s not the same thing though. A news outlet is literally tasked with showing us what is going on. Poking at the rich and powerfull, ‘Punching up’, is something that Americans have expected from our media for a long while now. While I would say