@Joseph Welch: Hostile?
@Joseph Welch: Hostile?
Serious? This feels like a flashback to the 90's.
@atrus123: I can see both sides as well.. I think Google tried to the good way by going to the authors guild, but the authors guild itself was the one who acted shady in this case.
@WookieLifeDay: Don't feel guilty.. Google isnt trying to be evil, they are just trying to do it the easier/less costly way.
@Merricat: Why do you think her ignorant.. why shouldnt she have absolute 100% control of her works?
@Eridani: Well, first the guild spoke for authors that arent even members..
They need to update the speech to text.. as of now it is pretty much useless to me.
Thats not a wallet, thats a man purse.. jesus who the heck would carry that around.
@Robotronic: Yeah, I thought I was alone in this, nice to hear at least two of us have some taste. haha.
I love Dr Who, but damn bow ties drive me nuts. I feel like well by watching Tucker Carlson running around with a sonic screw driver.
@TemporalSword: What about a dog/spider crossbreed?
This is skewed because they included a horse in this.. oh Im sorry, that was Anna Hathaway..
@ryoshi: Agreed, Kloud is the troll here.
@dracosummoner: No
@q335r49: He doesnt appear smarmy to me... I think your seeing what you want to see, and based on your wallet comment you seem to be in a negative jerk phase of life.