Randall Ward

White people problems, am I right?

If it’s aiming for the realism of war, the part where you abandon the rebels to be ethnically cleansed should be interesting.

Don´t forget about Call of Duty: Modern Whatever Meh

I'm amazed at how many people think you're saying those games are competing with each other instead of the fact that they come out with new versions every year with minimal changes. 

Because a lot of that base doesn’t play video games, they just play from the 3 you mentioned. That money is already in the books before the release. 

I wouldn’t say football, basketball, and other football share the same consumer base.

Licenses, thats how. Only one game a year comes out with your favorite stars and slightly altered stats. You want a Football game to play with your friends its Madden or bust.

Just due to the nature of sports and sports games, you pretty much have to treat sports video game sales and conversation as a completely different thing.

At least they’re different sports lol.

I am confused about this article’s assertion of how little we know about the Vex. For starters, the Vex aren’t a synthetic race of machines, the machines are just vessels. They *are* a hive mind, but it’s an organic hive mind.

The mainline Vex are primarily interested in the grand progressions of order/disorder in the

If you are actually scared of this. Then the world is just too scary for you.

Your problem is that you’re an adult who is expecting The Gamers to also act like adults and care about Adult Things like the ones you listed.
Sadly, the only thing that can get them riled up is hearing that a game might contain A Feminism or there’s a woman that they hate somewhere in the orbit of said game, or

Given everything we read during the BL3 pre-release, I honestly thought this would be the line in the sand for gamers. Just about everything coming from either 2K or Randy was this perfect storm of everything gamers have been trying to push back against over the past 5 years. Mistreatment of workers, allegations of

That’s super dope, but...and hear me out on this, how about instead of putting Link as a playable character in the Switch version of Overwatch and opening up that Pandora’s box of platform exclusive characters that EVERYONE would bitch about (rightfully so), how about they make some platform exclusive skins instead?


Japan's esports laws are some of that ol' bullshit.

Playing RE5 with my best friend created some of the best gaming memories I have.

Well she's about to have a Bizarre Adventure.

If you liked Privateer or Freelancer, you’ll definitely enjoy this game.

I feel like twitch streamer like Dr. Disrespect have a lot in common with prowrestlers in the sense there is Kayfabe. So you have a situation where there’s the character of Dr. Disrespect and the real person Herschel Beahm, one being a loud mouth asshole, the other being an actual person.

The difference between a heel

There’s a certain level of incompetence involved here where their systems were designed in such a way that the actual text name for someone’s account could be an issue. Most everyone uses some sort of hash or UID for storing this data and on the backend this is what would be used to identify a player and then their ID