Reasonably Content

My approved what?...


Oh, you mean the one that needs to be repeated invoked for each individual post? The one that still doesn’t enable the images posted by anyone not in the ‘in’ club?

Yeah, I saw that, thanks for your kind assistance...

they’re... assuming you meant ‘they are’.

You know what would have prevented this? Electronically restricted speed controls on that car, and in fact all cars.

Let’s just think about this for a moment, and how innane the restrictions on this site have been since some snowflake was offended a few years back.

But how does that work with a Subaru?...

TL:DR? The best way to overcome these restrictions is to replace the government...

“Thousands and thousands”?

Ah, OLGA, we Miss You Dearly.....

Also, I *STILL* Want Sandy,

...and you are correct, too!

Saw the image, heard the music!

They are also not unknown as mid day office rendezvous locations. A small space, a mattress, and voila: a convenient spot away from prying eyes to bang your secretary - or at least that’s what I was told...

I actually read through this whole thread just to see if (hoping that) the OP would have a revelation along the way. I get that his grandparents smoked. It may have been a dirty habit at the time, but in their day it wasn’t so blindingly obvious that starting to smoke was a bad idea.

There used to be an award, presumably from some automotive magazine, that was awarded for car with the greatest differential between base price and the top model fully loaded. The one I recall was the Mercury version of the Ford Taurus, likely somewhere in the 90's, where the fully-loaded top-model was 2.4X the base

50? That sounds like you *wish* it would take 50. There is no way that weaponizing these will take that long (assuming it’s not already in process)

Now playing

“drivers will be able to make the same amount of money working shorter shifts”

...at least that greatly reduced number of drivers still employed during the time period of the transition to a fully autonomous fleet.

“Where is the BOOM? I expected an Earth-Shattering Ka-Boom...”

I like cars.

Thanks! :-)

...oops, guess that was just Jalopnik so far. Would love to make it back to visible in this Gizmodo part of the world too if someone has that power?