Randall Colburn

I'm heartened to see so many of you calling Ilan a villain. I always thought I was alone in that!

Yes! A pox on Hosea. Seriously the worst.

Yeah, it's so unfortunate to read about his real-life drama.

Ooh, great list of villains. Jamie in All-Stars is an inspired choice. Howie, too.

Cosign this idea.

Bless you for this. Does that make Brooke Alaska and Shirley (or Sheldon) Katya?

I hope that isn't a bad thing! I seriously just love talking about Top Chef.

Yes! New Orleans is an excellent season. Shirley, Nina, and a few others are some of the best the show ever made.

I've been wanting to read it. What about it did you find insufferable?

I wish he would do it more!

Thanks for the info, and for your Steve Brule avatar.

This is my favorite comment ever.


love how mad this makes people, dan.

They had sexual intercourse of the butt, tho. That's a kind of copulating.

In the very first scene!

Will do! Very interested in checking out more of his stuff.

I did mention it, but just didn't have a chance to dive deeper. It's great, though.

A lot of you guys are mentioning Noroi. I've actually never seen it and am now very excited to do so.

I actually really love that movie. Just didn't really have a place for it in the article. Most people hate the ending, but I actually found it quite haunting and resonant.