I love his stories, but I didn't really like Lincoln in the Bardo. At least it's not long.
I love his stories, but I didn't really like Lincoln in the Bardo. At least it's not long.
The linked article sounds like they hollywoodized the crap out of it. Yuck.
i dont find charlie day sexy, so no.
I really loved him in Far from the madding crowd (i think i watched their kissing scene 20 times, yum). hes kind of typecast as big, violent, damaged men with a tender core. he was also cast in hbos lewis and clark before they canceled production—darn!!! rust and bone was a pretty big hit.
I liked this movie; but please, please cast matthias schoenaerts in it again. he can play american (the drop). i freaking love that actor. Also, he was in both the belgian and american versions of the loft.
I read the book so long ago I barely remember anything, so it's all new to me too. I thought this was the best episode so far. Before this, Laura was just this inexplicable cheater who you were mad at. Now, she's much more sympathetic. She let Robbie have an affair with her, so she is guilty, but it didn't mean…
She got bored at the beginning of the first sex scene, so she stopped and slapped him.
Her mouth is too large, but otherwise she could approximate her look…
I'm a huge Robert capa fan, so pretty into this movie idea. Sadly most of his d-day photos were ruined in a developing accident, but even damaged, they're pretty interesting.
All 3 albums are still in my iTunes library. There are a bunch of Audioslave songs I like. I think "What You Are" is my favorite. Kind of a companion of "Can't Change Me."
My 21-year old son was interviewing for a food service job recently, and the interviewer asked him what kind of music he liked. "Rock". She asked for more specifics, and he said, "like, Queens of the Stoneage." "Oh, they were popular in the '80s, right?" Ugh. And she was older than he was.
My son and I sang that bond them for weeks in the car.
I loved it too, and it was a flop.
Screaming trees are my personal favorite, but soundgarden are definitely the more popular and for me a #2. I can't believe Mark Lanegan outlived Chris Cornell. I'm so sad. At my middle age amateur band practice tonight, our guitarist is gonna take it especially hard. We almost covered Outshined; but I couldn't carry…
I don't understand the huge time and distance gap between Chicago and Salt Lake City. Some of us live in Colorado, you know!
I haven't rewatched; was Rob in the wrong on that accident? Wasn't his light green? I thought it was well done that we the audience didn't know if he had been drinking when he went to pick Sharon up. And maybe it's not just Rob who is an alcoholic here. She almost got hit by a bus!
I think she might have gotten fillers for her lips that she didn't need—at all.
Yeah; susan sarandon has those natural cheeks that other people use ghastly fillers on to look younger.
I hope they do a Feud with Olivia De Havilland and Joan Fontaine…
Yes, Susan Sarandon looks amazing, esp. with makeup on. Most people go too far and change their fundamental appearance. Susan Sarandon has had "good work." Jessica Lange also looks younger than the much younger Joan Crawford did, but not as good as Susan (less work? worse genes?).