
Just saw Louis live last night, and it was a hilarious show. The way he dramatizes, first using his hand, and then his whole body, the state of his d*ck while watching Magic Mike; or his sound effects of using a garbage bag on your car window; and so on. So freaking good. He really is the best.

I was at the taping, and she does indeed talk about her pussy. A lot. It was pretty funny, though. I see Louis CK next week; do you think he'll talk about his daughters and how kids are a-holes?

My brother is constantly watching "documentaries" on youtube and wherever and then expounding on stuff he "learned" at dinner. The rest of us tell him it sounds like bull, and then he tells us we're close minded. "I bought a burger last week; where's the documentary evidence of that! Does that mean it didn't happen?"

She now looks like Zsa Zsa Gabor.

I use the hand soap. Strangely, I got a big bottle of Peppermint "sugar" hand soap, and it smells kind of off now, like it might have gone bad. I've made bar soap, but never liquid soap, and I don't know if sugar is a typical ingredient or not, and if it can go bad. I'm still using it anyway, though. Because.

I'm not sure I remember correctly, but in the Emperor and the Wolf, I think the theory was that Kurosawa was disappointed that Mifune was making his own commercial, lower quality, competing movies, and thought it was a kind of betrayal. Kurosawa went through a real low period personally and professionally after Red

Sad this isn't better, as I'm a huge fan. I still plan to see it when it opens in Denver…

I refuse to say it's his best scene ever, but in The Quiet Duel, when he finally loses his composure, it's powerful stuff.

Wa-lah, they attended a swaray at shay zhock's.

This is my favorite '80's teen film. It has its faults, notably that Nicolas Cage's character was a stalker, and that's NOT cute in real life, but if you can suspend disbelief, it's pretty great. The musical had better include I Melt With You…

"fake news sties." if ever there were a freudian typo…

Ha! I had already edited my post to fix my grammar.

Honest question: if she were a man, would he be described as an 87-year old Japanese grandfather? Or just as an 87-year old Japanese man? I ask because I *suspect* terms like mother and grandmother are more often applied to women than dad and grandfather are to men…

This is great. Personal note: I much prefer knitting to crocheting.

David Cross and Amber Tamblyn?

This is definitely not the right use of the word "foreboding." I had to comment on this article just because of the bad headline!

But didn't they establish his character as English? I think the comment by the dad about the "maybe Australian" customer is some sort of inside joke about it. Note that Xavier's mom's accent was kind of weird sounding too, but not really Australian. I'm so confused!

I feel like Xavier's accent has gone a little Australian; maybe because Joshua Sasse is engaged to Kylie Minogue.

"My daughters are white women! Trump has gone too far this time!" —Republicans

This sounds right on. It's just ludicrous, though, that everything Flynn wants to change is inherently villainous! Kill Lincoln and more! Kill all those luminaries on the Hindenburg! Next he'll save Hitler, kill Kennedy, and so on. It's just so silly, along with Flynn refusing to really tell Lucy what is really going