
After a phase many years ago of buying digital music, I have reverted to buying CDs, then ripping them. I just don't trust the "cloud." And yes, I'm 44, so totally middle aged. There was an article in the NYT yesterday that talked about the huge CD market in Japan, where digital music hasn't taken off. Although, even

The conspiracy theorist seemed a little credulous, considering. And I can do without cat drownings. But john Simm and James frain are always fun to watch. And here's to Mira sorvino staying missing for as long as possible! Still, very confused as to why these people are being killed at this point.

I'm on the A side of this equation; the reenactments are usually pretty funny/well done. Plus, in no way should these horrible tattoos be treated with undue respect; jokey reenactments where everyone looks like an idiot is pretty on point. Some of the bad tattoos can't really be explained away by, "I was young and

I hated Blue Jasmine. Although Alec Baldwin was theoretically a bad man in the movie, the real judgment comes down on batsh*t insane Jasmine who blew up everyone's life (her own, her sister's, her step-son's, her husband's, and untold hundreds of other investors) not because her husband was a crook; but because he was

I finally binge-watched season 2, and I was pleasantly surprised. This show is not perfect, but is all kinds of awesome. I'm very happy there will be a season 3. If you liked season 1, you should definitely stick with it. Lots of sex and violence. The only fights I didn't enjoy were a couple of gun battles; I prefer

This video is WAY better without music. The original is super embarrassing. This is almost like performance art.

And the key thing is that the bartender totally wasn't into Amy, but the way girlfriends try to make you feel better was very true. I remember this guy I "dated" drunk phone messaged me, and my friend was all, "See, he totally loves you," which was super not the case, and also not even necessary to hear, but it's the

This story/video literally brought me to tears. Best cat ever.

This idea that you can apply pressure on fat people to be thin, "for their own good," through ever thinner beauty standards and the shaming that goes along with that is fallacious. It's like telling a depressed person to snap out of it. Soooo effective! Fat acceptance does not increase fatness. Fatness isn't a problem

This is pretty much my husband's look. Does that make him fashionable?


My mom will only watch Korean TV series & martial arts and violent action movies lately.

I watched Letterman for the first time in decades when Colbert was on, and boy was it stale.

@helloooooonurse:disqus I love Lainey! She was a Depp superfan for many years, but she's soured on him majorly. This isn't too surprising, because she's pretty fickle. Her book is good?

Now you do!

You're definitely in the minority.

Spot on. We know way too much about Depp's private life: the tacky Nashville mansion he bought for Amber Heard; the blind vice about how he drinks too much and pregnant Amber Heard doesn't want to be married to a drunk; the hats and hankies and necklaces. Sometimes less is more. He's probably never been the cool guy

It's because he made some bad , self-indulgent movies, plus getting older and less attractive, while maintaining the same lame fashion choices (failing to evolve or get better taste), plus dumping his cool french girlfriend and mother of his children for a bland pretty girl half his age in some kind of stereotypical

Dark Shadows was execrable. It was all style over substance. The tone was completely off, failing to match humor and horror in any decent mix; the humor was unfunny, and the horror was just gross and unscary. It was a deeply unsexy film. I had to fast forward through the second half just because I wanted to see how it

I love Louis, but I think it's silly that he and so many people think that it's logical to make the argument against atheism that he did. It seems logical, but isn't.