Li'l Debbie's Mom goes Crazy

Maybe we should leave out Gene since he’s still alive. We could have a 3rd dead actor from the US though, and then it could be an American comedy, ghost buddy, jewel thief caper “based on a” true story from England.

“Prove that you care is that you are reading this kind of articles.”

I totally took his response as a funny comment, not one that was pointing out anything bad anyone said, just an off the cuff (and probably mostly true) observation.

We’ll, if you both like shorts, that right there is a pretty good match. My first husband wore shorts everywhere and I hate them (Sorry, no offense, it’s the shorts, not you). My 2nd husband is a never shorts person. When ever I remember that, I feel assured I got the right guy.

I don’t know where you are, but I bet we could get some food to you. A lot of empathetic people from around the globe on here.

That response can also come from a narcissist. My mother says something that hurts my feelings, then turns it around so I have to comfort her and convince her she’s not horrible. Wait...is that abusive? She has no idea she does it actually.

Counterpoint: Every Kathy, Kate or Katherine I have met, has been a kind, sane and supportive person.

Anna Farris only has one kid?

I had the same experience with this story. It made me so sad and so angry.

Darn, I should have read further down the thread before I commented. I see you are not here to have a rational conversation. I’m not sure if you’re troll, or just really really angry. If it’s the latter, I promise that angry ranting won’t make whatever it is that’s hurting you go away.

Who said they are not? The thread they are replying to is about protecting our daughters. We need to do both. My sons had been briefed on this before they could talk, and the conversation continues, forever.

This is the perfect analysis of everything the BUT missed. These facts and questions were absolutely needed to present a non-biased view.

Thank you for writing this Mr. Harriot. Never heard of this bitch, but wow, what an ass. I could never discuss him without swearing, but your calm, intelligent take down, is so moving and strong. I hope it changes a few people’s minds about this no talent appropriater.

As you live in LA, I would seriously shame you for wasting money at Chipotle. 100s of amazing, inexpensive Mexican restaurants. Salivating thinking about it right now.

Oh my god, please stop. Please stop now. Just shush. Your 17 paragraph explanations of how we don’t understand why he isn’t actually a misogynistic, abusive jerk are not going to work. They are condescending and pretentious.

That’s my take as well. My manager uses almost every single one of these phrases. They’re appropriate and don’t make me feel like she’s being passive aggressive.

No. He’s known as a brilliant, funny asshole

Trust me, it’s not Donald. I have hung with him and his fam. My relative is a good friend. He’s never been described as an A list star with a highly recognizable face. He’s a top notch actor and I’ve seen people recognize him, but less and less over the years. He also lives in Canada mostly and is very busy watching

Okay, it’s not just me. That’s good to know.

Wow. Your advice is... bad? Mostly anyway. Does not seem empathetic or born of a desire to help people. More about what a snazzy, spiffy writer you are. That bride did not deserve that. You have no idea what happened or what her relationship to her husband is. Go write advice for snark.com.