
The US doesn’t oppress black people though, that’s what makes this whole display so absurd.

Rapinoe has every right to disrespect our traditions, not sure anyone’s disputing that.

Free doesn’t mean it would have come without some cost.

The only argument you’ve got is ad hominem, Ashley. If it weren’t for vote rigging, Trump would win in a landslide.

Your candidate probably has the election rigged already, Ashley, so no worries.

You may not personally believe in the power of symbolism, but symbols hold sufficient power that not standing for the national anthem, or burning the flag, is controversial (he wouldn’t have sat out if he didn’t think it’d cause some stir). Whatever cause you’re trying to fight for, surely you’re clever enough to do

The only thing not standing for the national anthem indicates is a profound lack of patriotism. Loving your country and being active in its improvement are not mutually exclusive.

But you know what’s going on in Sweden now, right? Seems to me they could do with a few million fewer brown people with antithetical cultural values.

I will never tire of hearing Jensen refer to the Illuminati as “the Illuminati” without a trace of irony.

Can confirm, some plots don’t resolve satisfactorily. Whole feel is either the game’s production was cut short or it was a deliberate cliffhanger to set up a sequel. I still loved it, just don’t expect a complete experience.

Hi Ellie. In your article you write that election fraud is a “nearly impossible feat” and support that claim by linking to another article describing how voter ID laws are inadequate for preventing voter fraud. My question is, what point are you trying to make? The LA Times article isn’t making your case that election

Oh, aren’t you a clever one.

Trump seems to understand that visual aids are more persuasive than words. I don’t see the issue.

Donations aren’t given on a quid-pro-quo basis, though.


But aren’t you kinda making his point for him?

So, she favors someone who actually jeopardized national security over someone who hasn’t jeopardized national security but, oh, allegedly would if elected. Got it.

Muh femunism!

Actually you may be right, and I like your more clear-headed take than “Look, that means she’s a Nazi!”, which just doesn’t seem credible to me.

Is your opinion that she gave a Nazi salute to score points with her audience? I just really don’t see it.