
Happy Birthday, President Trump.

“Arya leaves without learning how to change her face at all.”

He flatly said he didn’t want congratulations. I personally don’t see anything specific Obama has done besides not denouncing radical Islam enough or straight-out saying that it’s our new enemy. Finally, I don’t see anything wrong with a temporary ban on Muslims coming into our country. It wouldn’t have prevented this

I’ll step up by positing this. What could Trump have said instead that would have gained your support?

For this story, gun control is a red herring. You choose access to guns as the culprit rather than the radical Islamic views that compelled him to kill gay people in the first place. You can support the LGBT community or you can support Islam, but the two are incompatible outside any country without westernized values.

The writing has seriously gone down the toity. Tyrion is a dumb, drunk caricature of his former self. Arya‘s plot armor is showing. Brienne and Pod ride from the Wall to the Riverlands between consecutive episodes. Bronn brought back just to remind us he likes saying ‘fuck’ a lot. Confrontation between Faith Militant

Make way for the King!

The -isms are strong with this one.

No problem, just trying to set the record straight.

“Because, as Septon Meribold said, the Hound is dead.”

Septon Meribald is not responsible for finding The Hound in the books. The Elder Brother of the Quiet Isle found The Hound (and supposedly buried him, but we’re smarter than that, right?). Meribald was simply a wandering priest who escorted Brienne, Podrick, and Ser Hyle to the Quiet Isle. (Link)

I’m sure the glass helped a bit.

That she’s still true to House Tyrell (House Tyrell first).

Shireen Was Never Great.

I’ve come to expect dumb writing after how they handled Areo Hotah and Prince Doran. The need for events to happen takes precedence over plausibility, at this point.

C’mon, I can’t be the only one here thinking The World’s End was the best of the Cornetto trilogy.

It’s opposite for me. The World’s End was the best of the trilogy while Hot Fuzz was, for me, rather boring and forgettable.

“This is a big step.”

Emily Blunt or Rosamund Pike.