
Kudos to the Haas team for acting so quickly.

“Sure this is all scammy and bullshit, but I made some money.  And at the end of the day, isn’t that all that matters?” - every cryptobro who thinks everyone is just as shallow and shitty as them.

This reminds me of the time I hosted a chess tourney at my house during the Christmas holiday. Lots of folks showed up but they just stood around near the front door talking about how great they were at the game.

Fuck all of these people.

I’m sorry that you have to write about this middle school shit.

And then Disney buys Microsoft.  And then Amazon buys Disney.  And then the Vogons demolish the Earth to make way for a hyperspace bypass.

going outdoors is about striking a balance between discomfort and tranquility in an inherently uncomfortable setting.

Twitter was a mistake.

I didn’t think concussions while playing video games were all that common.

Are people actually implying football’s popularity is due to a video game, and not the other way around?

umm, no.

I can’t stand this ass, but that table is pretty cool. This is stuff that other random youtubers might do and I wouldn’t shit on them for it. There is more than enough reasons not to like Logan and his brother without this being part of the equation.

Idea! I’m going to start a crowd source project aimed at Republicans where you can actually do just that, be the “good guy with a gun” I’ll market it as a redhats wet dream. Take their money then cry that the “MSM” is trying to stifle me. Rinse and repeat!

Or maybe, said takes are from people from other countries that marvel and the mental gymnastics you americans perform in order to defend your right to bear arms in the face of constant death in your home turf. Just maybe

You have to delete the HTML links embedded in the quote.

Likened it to initial public outcry over previous new developments in the games industry like DLC, microtransactions, and loot boxes. The implication seemed to be that NFTs would become similarly accepted over time.

FWIW, I think this kind of positional play that rewards tactical thought from good teams working together is what makes Oddball worth having in the game at all.

Having thrown money at it aaaages ago, and then throwing more at it more recently to actually try to play it, stop. Just stop. You’re making excuses for something that doesn’t deserve them. It’s Duke Nukem Forever in space. Maybe your “org” is okay with the sheer insanity of spending all night trying to get one

TRIGGER ALARM!  TRIGGER ALARM!  Queue all the Star Citizen fanboys to tell us how it’s been “playable” for years now.  As a former fan of Chris Robert’s work, and a Star Citizen backer myself, what we have now is a joke.  I will admit to at one point defending this game too...4 years ago.  There comes a time when