
Those were engines that started out with the intention to compete in F1 but then where drastically toned down and civilized for road driving after realizing their respective F1 programs were going in a different path (Ferrari) or going nowhere (Porsche and Toyota)

The MK.2 is the track only car. These can be road driven.

Dont care, still gonna buy it if it hits stateside, and I really hope it does.

Excited to hear Portimao has been added and cant wait to watch the race. That place is quickly becoming one of my top 5 favorite tracks.

I guess people cant pick up on simple cues?? Its no ESP. Like I stated in my other comment, I have friends with wranglers who have never touched off road. Its not hard to tell which cars get used and which cars are stuck to suburban parking lots if you onow what to look for.

Well I know people who have built up wranglers and they themselves havent even taken any to a trail. Also if you know what your looking for, you will be able to tell if the parts have signs or wear or even proper use. 

Judging how many Wranglers Ive seen that are lifted, built but ultimately never used for their intended use, im gonna say that 95% of these Broncos will be strictly pavement pounders.

Did you read the article? The tone is very clearly a salty tone, just like the million other articles he writes about Elon everyday. Add to the fact that most of us here dont give 2 shits about Elons stock options and what they may be worth. We are car people who were originally drawn to this website for being just

This guy really lives in your mind rent free huh?? Everyday its another complaint or nag about him. Can we get back to things like the top 10 lists we all used to love?? Im tired of seeing what he ate for breakfast or what shoes he decided to wear. The AMG GT Black Series was just shown off, why cant we read about

Totally unrelated but your ads went from autoplay to now staying on screen and blocking half of my window...Getting worse by the day I see.

“...Im bigger than you”

I say we send all the super lifted PPP truck drivers (irregardless of make) and dump em in a singular state. Any suggestions as to where?

While you tend to see them in dodges, the typical bro-ho, flat brimmed, dip swallowing, white framed, douches around here all drive chevys.

Imagine threatening someone in an extremely racist and cowardly way over not being able to wave a piece of cloth at a privately held race.

The only time large kidneys were acceptable was on the so-beautiful-it-should-be-illegal 507.

So this is basically confimation that this monstrosity of a grille wont make it on the M3 sedan?? Because I really like the new M4 front bumper minus the buck tooth...

I would like to know If I can have that when your done with it.

These kind of punishments already exist and are enforced, but I can tell you that they didnt even remotely stop street racing. You really think a cop driving by to break up a street race gathering with 100 people is going to stop them? Throwing law enforcement at a problem doesnt make it go away. These cars that get

Well that sad truth is that if you have the money to think about buying an F40, you have the money to drive it in anger. Those things are steadily raising in price at a ridiculous rate.

Thats not true. One look on cargurus for new supras show at least 30 of them within a 50 mile radius. Maybe 2 preowned in the country but its only been a year.