Rambo Apocalypse

And now Goldberg and Jericho are friends.

Arguably the cutdowns Corey has given Saxton have been way worse, as in cold as ice.

Well, per the Buffalo News, based on the ICU he is in...

May the best be with him and the Sabres. Scary stuff to even hear ICU, let alone add in the specific type of ICU he is in and some of the things specifically tied to it.

I think that was clear Monday night on Raw...

Thanks for the hot steaming pile of shit take. No one forced you to come in here and no one forced you to respond.

Apparently it was on TV. Recorded it as I watched it. Great stuff.

What episode is airing on TV itself? I have the East and West feeds of the channel on U-Verse so I can catch it if it’s a really, really good one.

Long story short with LOTS of details missing to cut to the chase...

Anthem will send a cease and desist letter to Gizmodo Media Group now as they still claim ownership of all things Broken.

Came here for this.

This is a Columbus Dispatch reporter. Tweet has been passed around a bit this evening. You may like it, nerdybirdy.

A 10-cent rapist. Don’t forget about the taxi cab.

WBNS 10TV long time meteorologist Mike Davis said in further on-air weather alerts during 60 Minutes that the plan was split screen of sorts. It didn’t work due to technical difficulties.

The project may be dead, but the idea of the Columbus Blue Jacket as a “serious minded union soldier” will live forever in our hearts.

Nope. Not pissed. In fact, I’ve moved onto the latest Deadspin story by Samer Kalaf on this very subject matter, calling him an asshole, and just watching the replies pour in. Quite entertaining there as well, given more people who hate the player are chiming in.

No, the NHL is for me. I just find it humorous that amazing players are allowed to be douchebags on the ice and get away with it based on their name and number on the jersey. This is the approach of his apologists.

It’s me you’re referring to. If you disagree with my name for him, it is your prerogative and I will respect your viewpoint. But I am not “unhinged” or “desperate for attention” or anything of the like. I stand by what I said or I wouldn’t have posted it, and I’ll leave it at that. Debating it further will be each of

Tickets are way too expensive for the Flyers game, so barring snagging green seats, I won’t be going. If I’m paying that much money, it better be Pittsburgh so I can listen to their fans act like idiots.

Oooooh. I’m so scared. Can’t you see me shaking in fear over that comment?