Rambo Apocalypse

Wow i remember that one haha.

I’ve said it too much and wont retype it but an expansion to eight teams is needed.

Yeah... Jumped the gun there a wee bit.

Yup. He rebounds next week.

Wow! Has a Buffalo Bills tailgate taken that a step further yet?

And probably in every side of the pylons as long as they’re durable enough.

I missed that one about thr head dunk in urine. Please explain.

And that poor, poor, infamous mannequin.

Yeah but it isn’t a legit potential midseason firing until he reaches Fisher’s number of asterisks, haha.

I wouldn’t laugh too much. Enjoy the division lead and try to hold on. Ravens are 0-2 vs. the NFCE and that AFCN race is far from over.

Active NFL streaks of note:

It is not who you lost to, but WHEN you lose. And PSU would have the better resume under a run the table scenario with OSU and Wisconsin also doing the same. Then PSU goes to the title game, beats Wisconsin, and they have to be in. It proves the system fradulent otherwise and a need to expand to eight teams and

Technically you are right, but the premise of my scenario is the idea OSU wins out. I apologize if that was not clear.

To which I say: What if this were the SEC? You and I know Gary Danielson, ESPN, etc., would ride the SECs jock strap.

But when did they lose the past two years?

They still tattooed OSU, though.

My aforementioned scenario playing out, I’m not saying they dont deserve to be there — in a different system. This is where we will soon agree.

Back in the old BCS days when SEC vs. SEC happened, my thought was if you can’t win your conference you don’t deserve to be in.

O$U would be a No. 4 behind the Big Ten champ because the last time a questionable scenario happened, we know damn well the money O$U brings got them in, but to their credit, they won it all.