Sadly I think I’d rather eat Skyline Chili than hang out with one of those two, let alone both of them.
Hey I didn’t say it was GOOD chili. I don’t eat that crap. I’m sure actual human crap tastes better.
That’s more Cincinnati than Cleveland, truth be told. Not saying those restaurants don’t exist there, but let’s not confuse our baseball cities. One is in the playoffs, and one has chili.
Maybe they can do “Cardinals losses on this date in postseason history”?
I kinda like that a lot actually.
Brooklyn booed the living hell out of the blood red Universal title when it was unveiled. It was red, red, red. Like they wanted to say, “Hey, this is the brand split, and this is Raw’s title because we sent the WWE World title which looked good to SmackDown Live.” I mean, so much red. Like, the Red M&M considered…
Cam Cameron gone, too? Wasn’t he the guy who said he drafted the Ginn family when he was at Miami? Correct me if I am wrong.
But these may be the same people who will watch a video on Facebook holding the phone vertically. So....
Philadelphia has disappointed me. Buffalo would have ignored regulations at some of those tailgating sites (discussed on Deadspin last week) and had a fan in Zubaz pants already powerbomb this guy through one of those white plastic tables. And for good measure, a second zubaz pants guy would jump off a tailgate of a…
Well... if they want to talk about all these technological advances on smartphones to the point it makes batteries explode, then make a damn camera that shoots 16:9 while holding vertical. It can be done. They just don’t want to do it.
I kinda have to be on lunch to read Deadspin AND keep a job.
Anyone else think that dating tomato-tomahto commercial is way overplayed?
The NFL disapproves of the PSI of your +1 rating. You are now suspended four weeks from Deadspin.
May as well throw the Hulkster in there, too.
If we put Trump and Hilary on an island and allowed (read: forced) them to procreate (assuming science has reversed menopause), how messed up would the island become?
+1 year Roger Goodell suspension.
Postgame reports from anonymous sources indicate Kirkpatrick is now in concussion protocol for the illegal hit, and CBS Sports may face a fine or suspension for said hit.
It does, but it seems Perry County and the more rural areas, where you can have a shed in the woods or something (as bad as that description sounds, it is true), seems to be the areas where it is made AND distributed. The more city-like areas, like a Zanesville or Cambridge, are more distribution-only -- especially…
What part of SE Ohio specifically if you wish to say? I am in that vague border area that is or isn’t SE Ohio depending on how you draw it up, Muskingum County. But a lot of the stuff is in Perry County (New Lexington) where meth lab incidents are commonplace.