RamblinRover Luxury-Yacht

Cue commenters that don't know where to find their dipstick saying things like: "Land Rovers are unreliable, I know because my brothers friend had a Discovery for a couple of years back in the 90's and once the battery went flat"

Don't be silly. He's obviously playing Ego the Living Planet. Or maybe the Manphibian.

Right before they started in on that three way alley oop of holding Michael Bay in extreme contempt, Luke acknowledged that this is how the generation that grew up on the original Transformers sees its new form. Kotaku editor Stephen Totilo said something similar to me this week, adding that what ticks people off

The Paycheck of My Neighbor's Sister. Now, that's a truly useless item.

Oh it was built all right, and flew. There were two prototypes. But one was stolen in 1982 by an American Pilot named Mitchell Gant.

All the emphasis on the sort of bullshit that reviewers are panning cheap cars on is making these cars more expensive than they need to be, and diverting development resources away from what matters: durability, efficiency, safety, and driving dynamics.

I'm so sick of Northwest Arkansas and how they're in bed with Big Fiddle. It's like they don't even care that you're not a bluegrass band, they just see a violin and assume you're a threat, even if you're just a 3-year-old Chinese kid. Don't even get me started on East Tennessee and banjos. They shot Steve Martin

Built by hand - check. (GM even sent a team to England to learn how to build the Reatta without an assembly line)

Now that's a retro styling (and functional) feature that is absolutely perfect.

I always wanted a mobile BDSM room.

Here in Britain and across the river in Euro-land we generally have amber lense covers though more and more are going for amber coloured bulbs with clear lenses and chrome reflectors that have been 'coned' or 'shaped' to give more direction to the light emited. I'm not a fan of the 'jaffa' look (amber lense) or 'yolk'

Do you know anyone who owns a Crosley Hotshot? Because you need to get ahold of one and review it.

This says its a GOOD idea in an F-450!

Regardless of which International you get, make sure you also get some of this.

Singing by yourself to the radio is way more fun in a car than it is in the shower.

Alright for starters, Mr. Wyss is a know annoyance on the F-chat (FerrariChat.com for the uninformed) forum and has really never liked the GT. Take this article from last years Concorso Italiano:

I'm disappointed in all of you. You should know that slope or slope head is a racist term, as I have expected you to have seen at least all major Steve McQueen films, including The Sand Pebbles, the only film where he was nominated for best actor at the Oscars. Go watch it, now.
