
Can you not right now? Texas is a purple state that goes red because it’s gerrymandered to hell and back. It’s also home to Houston, the most diverse major city in the country, which is also getting hit the hardest.

Bear Grylls is mostly a crock of shit. Les Stroud, the Survivor Man is a lot more realistic although he recently has jumped on the Bigfoot truther train and gone a little crazy.

If anyone picks Rainbow Road from Mario Kart 64, we will have words.

I have nothing to add here but wanted to comment and say thank you for saying this clearly.

They should continue to do character posters for Barb to screw with people.

Oh, man. I’m gonna remember the 80s so fucking hard again. I’m remembering them right this second!

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Maybe special guest star Kendall Jenner gives the Night King that Pepsi and everyone realises that conflict is bad, but the universal commonality of loving brown sugar water is good.

Dany wouldn’t have had to use the dragons if they didn’t follow Tyrion’s stupid plan in the first place!

I know these early impressions are rarely indicative of anything, but hey, hopes are up.

I wish Dark Tower could have been really good instead :(

Typical FAKE NEWS from the FAKE Westerosi media. Once again,they neglect all of the wonderful work that Queen Cersei has done! She is trying to heel this relm and all this dishonest media wants to do is talk about these zombie immigrants and their stuff. SAD!

Hey, anybody else remember that scene in World War Z where Brad Pitt celebrates saving the world from zombies by drinking an ice cold Pepsi(tm) in slow motion, logo towards the camera? Maybe the Night King will do that.

The “it doesn’t affect me crowd” must be really stupid if they think it won’t effect them. Other cops will see what this piece of shit did and got away with and believe they can do the same.

I swear to God. I will never forgive anyone who voted for this fuck, or didn’t vote at all.

Hey everyone, remember when Bush only commuted Scooter Libby’s sentence and it was headline news for at least a week? Who wants to bet the Arpaio pardon doesn’t even make it until Monday when Trump says something offensive in relation to the hurricane?


So when Marvel brings back the FF, can we have Al Ewing write them?

I also loved this and have enjoyed most of Ultimates^2, but it seemed to me that this arc ended too soon and the creators had to cram the conclusion into too little available space. The resurgence of the original Ultimates should easily have been its own arc, and there’s a lot to unpack here on the universal front.


Couldn’t be more bummed this series is ending. Ewing has consistently written my favorite books and the line-up of this team is perfect! I hope they give him something (and the cast) something good to do post Secret Empire, preferably the flagship Avengers book, ‘cause he deserves to not always get hamstringed by