
She’s such an exhausting personality, like if a corporation became sentient.

I guess I never thought of it that way. I imagine porn has desensitized me in a big way.

Vincent Adultman is one of the funniest gags on the show.

These comment sections are terrible.

This is a dumbshit comment. You’re a dumbshit.

This has to be a hetero thing, but I was baffled by how “getting a facial” was considered so disrespectful (to the characters and to Ashley Ray-Harris).

Maybe it’s just cuz I’m a gay dude, but getting cum on your face isn’t a big deal.

Kelli is the beacon of light in all of the embarrassing sadness of the rest of these people.

This episode made me so anxious. These lovable fuckwits need to get their shit together. Poor Issa and Molly.

This is going to be a long fucking autumn.

Yeah, I was looking forward to a well-argued For Our Consideration, and this was disappointing.

You sound verrrry desperate to find a way to dismiss everything he said. Oh, right, that doesn’t push the narrative that white people aren’t responsible for atrocities.

Kindly go fuck yourself.

Holy shit, that’d be something.

I’m still on board with a game that let’s you play as say, three of the sidekicks. Nightwing, Robin, and a Batgirl or Batwoman.

God, I love that movie so much.

Weird little rant you got there.

All of your points are very well-considered. Thank you.

Me as a kiddo with my dogs Rocky and Sassy

Go fuck yourself.

They’re great.

Petty like the orange president tweeting at his enemies?

No, it really doesn’t. You need to get over that fact.