
Go fuck yourself.

They’re great.

Willful ignorance is spreading like our opioid epidemic.

CW’s Riverdale is VERY GOOD

Calm down.

American Dad is still so consistently great these days. It’s totally underrated.

Goddamnit, what a piece of shit.

May he die sputtering about crowd sizes.

I mean, the reveal that they’re related was literally playing as voiceover while they fucked. It was cringey (but hot).

I agree with this sentiment in general (dongs are great), but in the context of the scene, did the reviewer expect to see Harrington’s erect penis?

Not that I’d complain.

He might not be named Aegon in the books.

Waaait, I was curious about their pronounced exit. Do you have a link to a gossip story?

God bless you.

It’s a million different things. “Oh, I don’t care that trans people can no longer serve. I don’t know any trans people.” Six months later, “Trump banned gay people from the Navy, and now my nephew no longer has a career in the military. How did this happen?”

Everything fucking escalates until it affects them and by


The general reasoning appears to be either, “It doesn’t affect me, so why should I care?” or “yeah, bet that will piss off some libtards!”

Jesus fucking Christ.

Please kill yourself.

Isn’t he at one of his golf courses this weekend?

I could see Trump bringing back the draft. It would be the perfect move for the infamous hypocrite and draft dodger.