
Well thats what happens when you program your driverless car to drive the same as the local residents. It drives like an asshat like everyone else.

Inb4 carlos ghosn calls fca out on some bs and their stock tanks and renault buys a controlling share.

Not sure what youre getting at there Gandalf.

2 things,

Ill be at TMI. And contraryto the memes, no one crashed at TMI last year that im aware of. Now the LMR cruise in down in waco did see a wreck but it was on the freeway afterwards and it had been raining so dude probably just lost it on the wet road.

So world war 4 is going to take place between 50 year old men in the parking lot of the local mall.

Kinda disappointed it didnt blow apart into a bunch of small pieces.

Grabbed some of the new lego sets, love building the ships and vehicles . Also grabbed a jyn erso figure.

No hes a 30 year old rice boy who finally got a job in IT.

older guy -> gt350 -> random off duty cop like right there when it happens.

The louvers are for letying smoke our and fresh air in when Willie is sitting in the trunk while going on a trip.

Never gonna see production.

I now imagine persona 5 is some kind of fetish wear bdsm game based on these outfits.

Inb4 new king of the most stolen vehicles board.

And people said i was crazy to try and get you guys to go to dig up that free abandoned diesel in Greenland.

In destiny 2, they will introduce a dating sim element where you can romance the npcs.

I took a hiatus after beating the taken king story, the rest just didnt feel fun. Rise of iron was a gamble for me and im glad i did, its been alot of fun so far.

And the HD models will get this upgraded grille opening for better airflow.

Looks like a golf and a leaf got drunk and wound up in bed together.